User:Piranhapete/Sandboxes/Suave Dialogue (AC)

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Suave Islander Dialogue

The following is a collection of dialogue spoken by the suave islander personality in Animal Crossing. Box breaks and expressions/reactions are not recorded. This list is complete, though some tags for mood changes and actions may be absent for some lines.

Term glossary:

  • Introduction - a player's first conversation with the islander in full; variants include different times of day
  • Salutation - the first part of a player's first conversation with the islander that day, starting at 12 a.m.; leads to segue; variants include different times of day
  • Greeting - the first part of a player's conversation with an islander in regular circumstances; leads to segue; variants include different times of day
  • Re-introduction - a type of salutation that occurs after the player has gone 2+ weeks without speaking to the islander; leads to segue; variants include different times of day
  • Segue - the part of the conversation following the salutation or greeting leading into the player's choice of asking to chat or canceling the conversation
  • Topic - any of a great number of responses to the player's request to chat; includes many types of interactions
  • Never mind - the islander's response to the player canceling the conversation
  • Bee sting - dialogue for the first interaction with the islander after the player has been stung by bees
  • Net - dialogue after the player has hit the islander with a butterfly net three times
  • Pushed - dialogue after the player has continuously pushed the islander
  • Sad - dialogue if the islander is in a sad mood; the islander's voice tone becomes depressed, and the conversation will not continue into a segue or allow further interaction by the player
  • Angry - dialogue if the islander is in an angry mood; the islander's voice tone becomes agitated, and the conversation will not continue into a segue or allow further interaction by the player
  • Upset - dialogue if the player speaks to the islander after pushing them, hitting them with a net, or offending them in conversation; the islander's voice becomes depressed or agitated, and the conversation will not continue into a segue or allow further interaction by the player; this state appears to be a sad or angry mood depending on the personality
  • Love luck - dialogue if the player is approached by the islander of the opposite gender after receiving the love luck fortune from Katrina; the conversation will not continue into a segue or allow further interaction by the player
  • Unpopular luck - dialogue after the player receives the unpopular luck fortune from Katrina; the conversation will not continue into a segue or allow further interaction by the player
  • Asleep message - Text that appears at the islander's door when the islander is asleep
  • (Morning) - 5 a.m. - 12 p.m.
  • (Afternoon) - 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.
  • (Evening) - 5 p.m. - 12 a.m.
  • (Night) - 12 a.m. - 5 a.m.

Introductions and Greetings

Introduction (morning): Wellll… Good morning to you. …Now wait a moment… You’re new here, aren’t you, [catchphrase]? My name is [name]. Would you mind if I asked you your name? …[player]? Eh heh heh… Lovely, [catchphrase]. It’s a pleasure, [player].

Introduction (afternoon): Ah, bonjour! I haven’t had the pleasure of meeting you yet, have I, [catchphrase]? Hmmm? Well, I am [name]. My favorite food is eel pie, [catchphrase]. Well, I have many favorites. My taste is exceptional.

Introduction (evening): So, my little senorita, we meet again, [catchphrase]! Shall we tango ‘til dawn? What!? Who?! Who are you?! …[player]? A fine name, [catchphrase]. I’m known as [name]. This island is my home. I apologize for that little… misunderstanding. Feel free to enjoy my island’s humble pleasures, [player].

Introduction (night): Having trouble sleeping, eh? Well, I’m not sure walking about so late is the answer… Your name is…? …[player]? Ah. Somehow, I feel as though we’ve met somewhere before. Perhaps I’m just imagining… I believe you and I are on the same wavelength, [catchphrase]. Yes, indeed. Hope to see you around…

Salutation (morning): Greetings, [player]. Heh heh heh… You, my friend, are innocence personified, [catchphrase]. I like that.

Greeting (morning) 1: Greetings and salutations! It’s a fine morning, isn’t it, [player]?

Greeting (morning) 2: Hi there, [player]. I do believe that today will be another brilliant day, [catchphrase].

Greeting (morning) 3: Hello there, [player]! How’s your life going, [catchphrase]?

Salutation (afternoon): Now, how are you doing, [player]? Well, I hope? Who, me, [catchphrase]? I suppose I’m great… …Or so I’m told…

Greeting (afternoon) 1: Why, it’s [player]. How goes it?

Greeting (afternoon) 2: Bonjour, [player]!

Greeting (afternoon) 3: Hey, thanks for coming by, [player]!

Salutation (evening): Now, I do believe you’re… [player], right? Never fear. I remember you well, [catchphrase]. You’re the [player] with whom I danced the rumba all night long! Wait, aren’t you?

Greeting (evening) 1: Buenas noches, [player]. What’s up? Rather a splendid evening, eh, [catchphrase]?

Greeting (evening) 2: I’ve been waiting for you, [player].

Greeting (evening) 3: It’s gotten quite dark… Lighting like this casts a rather romantic mood, eh, [catchphrase]?

Salutation (night): Good evening… Is that [player]? At such a disagreeable hour, I have difficulty seeing you. At least bring a few aromatic candles next time, [catchphrase]. A little mood lighting never hurt…

Greeting (night) 1: Staying up to all hours… You like being bad, don’t you, [catchphrase]?

Greeting (night) 2: Good evening, [player]. Tonight, I shall stay up with you, [catchphrase].

Greeting (night) 3: My dear little sleepyhead… Aren’t you up past your bedtime, [player]?

Re-introduction (morning): I’m crushed, [player]. You disappear without a single word, leaving me to wonder at your absence… Are you perhaps trying to get my attention by ignoring me? You’re a bad one, aren’t you? I can’t help but be intrigued.

Re-introduction (afternoon): Oh, dear! I didn’t even recognize you, [player]. You look much trimmer than you did [number] weeks ago. I’ll bet you could even keep up with me as I dance the lambada, the forbidden dance of love, [catchphrase]!

Re-introduction (evening): Well, how long since we last met, [player]? Around…[number] weeks, if I’m not mistaken. And I’m not. …You’ve…become rather a looker since I last saw you. You have a sort of…glow. It’s quite becoming.

Re-introduction (night): Why, [player]! Where in the wide world have you been hiding yourself for the past [number] weeks? I’m not speaking to you anymore, [player]… Oh, but please don’t go anywhere, [catchphrase].

Salutation (Festival) 1: Good day, [player]! What brings you to my deserted island, [catchphrase]?

Salutation (Festival) 2: Greetings, [player].

Salutation (Festival) 3: Thank you, [player]. You're here to invite me to today's party in [town], aren't you? Well, I won't be attending.

Salutation (April Fools’ Day) 1: How you doing, [player]? Let me get right to the point: I don't like you! I... I love you... That's what I want to say to this girl I'm crazy for, [catchphrase]. You didn't think I was talking about you, did you!? Maybe it is you who are the April fool, my friend!

Salutation (April Fools’ Day) 2: Whoa, [player]! That's some funky hair you got goin' on! NO! That wasn't an April Fools' gag.

Salutation (April Fools’ Day) 3: Hi there, [player]! You're looking just as good as ever, [catchphrase]. No, I'm not joking! OK, maybe it was a little joke. An April Fool, even.

Salutation (Spring Cleaning Day) 1: You know, an untidy room is a reflection of a soul in search of love… So, I wonder…how clean is YOUR room, [player]?

Salutation (Spring Cleaning Day) 2: Cleaning is very much like dancing, you know. That is why, every Spring Cleaning Day, I rhumba all the year’s dust away!

Salutation (Spring Cleaning Day) 3: Have you done your Spring Cleaning Day duty yet? You simply must clean your room out, [player]! If you don’t, you’ll be waltzing with dust bunnies around this time next year! Yuck, [catchphrase]!

Segue 1: Ah, yes [player]. Did you wish to speak with me, [catchphrase]?

Segue 2: Hmm? Yes? What is it, [player]?

Segue 3: Did you crave something from me, [catchphrase]?

Never mind 1: You’re breaking my heart, [catchphrase]!

Never mind 2: You’re toying with me, now, [catchphrase]!

Never mind 3: You’re such a tease, [catchphrase]!

Chat Topics and Interactions

Topic (chat): Ah, so good to see you. I'm in the mood for a chat. Let's speak of things refined, yet bold and daring!

  • “Sure!”: No. On second thought, let's cancel. It's a waste of my time. I can't bear any babbling, [catchphrase]. After all, I see everything you want to say just by looking into your eyes. Almost everything...
  • “No way!”: Ha ha! Ha ha! So shy, [player]! Why, there's no reason to be embarrassed, [catchphrase].

Topic (color): Say, [player]... Since you're here, allow me to try something. If you were a color, you would be... Hmmm... You would be... the color of [food]. Yes. That's it. Is there no end to my wry observations?

Topic (K.K. Slider): I've heard of a singer-songwriter named Totakeke who sometimes plays in [town]. It would be a real pleasure to play with him. Yeah. I have the rock-star looks, but I don't play an instrument... I think just wanting to play is close enough for me, [catchphrase]. I have plenty of rabid fans as is.

Topic (dancing, to male): But of course... Say...[player]! Would you dance with me?

  • “Sure!”: Oh ho! You're rather bold, [catchphrase]. That's to be applauded! However, I save all my dances for the ladies!
  • “No way!”: As expected, [catchphrase]. What could come of it, after all? We are both ladies' men at heart.

Topic (dancing, to female): But of course... My dear [player]! Shall we dance?

  • “Sure!”: Well now, aren't you the daring little twinkle toes, [catchphrase]! My my my! How intriguing! I had always thought that ladies were more reserved. I salute your moxie!
  • “No way!”: Oh ho! You're a little tiger, aren't you? Reee-yowr! I find that...almost impossible to resist...

Topic (hair, male): [player], something's different about you... Your hairstyle... It looks like an homage to mine! Did you recently change it, [catchphrase]?

  • “Yes!”: It suits you, [player]. It proclaims to the world: the little boy is now a man! And besides, you look like me.
  • “Nope!”: How very odd... I had the strongest feeling that something was different, [catchphrase]...

Topic (hair, female): [player], something's different about you... Your hairstyle... It looks more alluring than usual... Have you recently changed it, [catchphrase]?

  • “Yes!”: Ah, yes...very nice. Could there be a special reason behind this stunning new look, [catchphrase]? No! I mustn't! I will not pry into your many secrets, [player], though my heart cries out for info! Keep your secrets hidden behind a veil of intrigue. You must never reveal them, [catchphrase]!
  • “Nope!”: How very odd... I had the strongest feeling that something was different, [catchphrase]...

Topic (appearance): Say, [player]. I present a rather distinct image, wouldn't you say? How to describe me...? Wise, penetrating stare, dazzling smile, rapier wit, and a sculpted physique. Am I right, [catchphrase]?

  • “Maybe…”: Well, if that's how you feel, you and I could be related, [catchphrase].
  • “That’s not true!”: You know, jealousy is not an attractive trait... You could stand to be nicer, [catchphrase].

Topic (weight loss): Say, [player], listen to how incredible I am. I lost [number] pounds for a role in the theater. Yes, a bit of variety is nice now and again. And no, my personality didn't change, catchphrase. I'm still me.

Topic (suffering): I wonder... Has anyone ever enlightened you on this subject? Well, listen. I've been around the block a few times. Here's how the world works. Pain brings suffering. Suffering, in turn breeds compassion and understanding. You can only be as kind as you are scarred, [catchphrase]. You can quote me on that.

Topic (flowers, to male): I think roses represent my personality best. What do you think, [player]?

  • “Maybe…”: You think so, too? I'm almost too attractive! People should send bouquets of ME on Valentine's Day!
  • “That’s not true!”: Really, [catchphrase]? Maybe a honeysuckle, then. I think they're known as... the delight of all animals! How perfect, [catchphrase]!

Topic (intrigue, to female): Oooooh... I've never met a girl as mysterious as you before...

Topic (poem): Say, [player]. Our last meeting inspired me to write a short poem. Would you care to hear it?

  • “Sure!”: Here it goes.
    The first time we met,
    we ran together over the
    sand like young sea otters.
    No, that's not quite true.
    We ran nowhere, for you
    wished to sit on the sand.
    You sat so pertly.
    You shone brightly,
    like a morning star...
    My heart swelled in jealousy.
    I wished to shine as you did.
    And then I saw what you are:
    Heart thief! O [player]!

    How was that? It's kind of short, but I like it anyway, [catchphrase].
  • “Don’t have time!”: Player! Come now! That's rude, [catchphrase]. I poured all of my passion into this poem...

Topic (decor): Say, [player]. Bring me some furniture. Something stylish to match my island bachelor pad. I will, of course, coordinate it in a stunning and dashing manner, [catchphrase]. The females will swoon. You must help me in this. If I'm ever to have a moody and mysterious pad, I need some sensual furniture.

Topic (favorite furniture): I'm currently looking for a fine piece of furniture called [a/an] [furniture]. Ring a bell, [catchphrase]? Do you know anything about it, [player]? It really is JUST the thing I need to update my room...

Topic (any furniture request): Oh, [player]! If you don't mind terribly, do you think you could part with your [furniture]? I think it's just the thing I need to change the feel of my room, [catchphrase].

  • “Sure!”: Many thanks, [player]. Ahhhhh, yes... My room will look much more hip and modern now, [catchphrase]. Ah! I almost forgot. It's not much, but... here's [number] Bells.
  • “No way!”: That's just fine, [player]. It's very important to stand your ground on occasion, [catchphrase]. For if you don't... You can never dance. Everyone must learn to stand before they can rhumba!

Topic (favorite furniture request): Say there, [player]... Any chance you'd sell me your [furniture]? I truly think it'd turn my room into a picture of elegance, [catchphrase].

  • “Sure!”: Many thanks, [player]. You're so very sweet... I must give you something in return, [catchphrase]. ...I apologize, but... this is all I have. A mere [number] Bells.
  • “No way!”: Are you trying to intrigue me by refusing my request? Heh heh heh... I see, [catchphrase]. Your little games amuse me.

Topic (given favorite furniture, player): The [furniture] you gave me looks fantastic in my room! It makes me feel like a prince, [catchphrase].

Topic (given favorite furniture, other player): Say, [player]... You know [other player], don't you, [catchphrase]? The [furniture] you may or may not have seen was a gift from [other player]. I must tell you, the pride I feel from having that piece of furniture in my room is overwhelmingly strong...

Topic (furniture return, player): I'm so sorry, [player]. About the [furniture] you gave me... I'm afraid it doesn't quite match my room's decor. In fact, it stands out like a sore thumb. This is terribly rude of me, but I must return it to you. Thank you anyway, of course. Truly, [catchphrase].

Topic (furniture return, other player): Yes, this [furniture] came by way of that dear little human [other player], but I don't like it anymore. So, I'll give it to you. Doesn't that work out nicely? But you must promise me you won't tell [other player] about it, [catchphrase].

Topic (furniture sale): Say, [player]... Would you mind taking this [furniture] off my hands? I'll sell it to you for a mere [number] Bells. What do you say, [catchphrase]? Hmmm?

  • “Sure!”: Many thanks, [player]. I got this [furniture] from dear [other player], but... It's been getting in my way, and I've lost patience with it. Don't tell [other player] about this, [catchphrase].
  • “No way!”: This [furniture] was a gift from [other player], but unfortunately... I kept tripping over it and now I simply hate it. Don't tell [other player], though, [catchphrase].

Topic (clothing request): Goodness, [player]! Your [clothing] looks so elegant! I must beg you, [player]. Could you give it to me?

  • “Sure!”: Many thanks, [player]. {TAKES CLOTHING} {CHANGES CLOTHING} Hmm? What's this? Is this a medium? Oh, it fits like an absolute dream, [player]! I could dance the tango until dawn in this outfit! Wonderful, [catchphrase]!
  • “No way!”: Ah. I understand. You're afraid it'd look better on me than it does on you... You're right about that.

Topic (given clothing, player): Say, [player]. The outfit you gave me... Isn't it a bit subdued?

  • “That’s not true!”: I'm sorry, but it just looks wrong, [catchphrase]. Like you bought it thinking it was a Medium, but it turned out to be an Extra-Small. You know, [catchphrase]?
  • “It looks great!”: Really, [catchphrase]? I prefer a more sleek fit that accentuates my muscles... But if you insist, I guess it must be OK.
  • “Just a little…”: Really? Yes, I thought so. Try giving me hotter clothes next time, [catchphrase]!

Topic (given clothing, other player): Hey, [player]... How would you describe the relationship between you and [other player]?

  • “Friend”: Friends, huh...? That's nice. But you mustn't forget! You and I are friends, too, [catchphrase]. Remember! You and I are as close as the wind and the sky!
  • “Family”: Family, huh...? How nice, [catchphrase]. You and I are kind of like family, aren't we?
  • “What’s it to ya?”: Oh, did I perhaps go over the line there, [player]? Heh heh... I suppose it's none of my business, huh?

Topic (catchphrase request): Pardon me, [player]. As you've most likely noticed, I say "[catchphrase]" on a regular basis. I've gotten the sense that it's not the best way to, say, invite a certain someone to go dancing, [catchphrase].

  • “Yeah!”: That's where you come in. I would like you to come up with something new for me to say, [catchphrase]. {CATCHPHRASE ENTRY} This had better be good, because animals hang on my every word, you know. Well, here goes... Hello there, my little chickadee. You look ravishing. Would you possibly care to dance, [catchphrase]? Oh, yes! It's like I've become nobility! A prince perhaps... It's almost unfair, how charming I am now!
  • “That’s not true!”: Oh, really? Excellent. If you feel that strongly, then everything is surely OK. I'm just as debonair as ever. It would appear...that I suffered a temporary lack of self-confidence. You restored my faith, [catchphrase].

Topic (poem, other player): Greetings, [player]. I must tell you, after meeting [other player], I was inspired to write a brief poem. You must listen. It's rather romantic, [catchphrase].
"Sitting Pertly"
I'm surprised.
So very surprised.
Like a mischievous cat,
you smiled.
What a beautiful smile.
When you smiled,
you were sitting pertly.
Thanks, [other player].

Well, what do you think? I know it's avant-garde, but I rather like it anyway, hmmm, [catchphrase]?

Topic (other male player): Say, [player]... What would you say if I said I owned the friendship of dear [other player]?

  • “Can’t have it!”: Well, that struck a nerve... You're really protective of [other player], aren't you, [catchphrase]? Yes... Never fear, [player]. I was merely teasing...
  • “I don’t need it.”: What?! That's horrible! What do you mean by that?! How can you say such cruel things, [catchphrase]? Aren't you close friends with poor [other player]? You must cherish your friends above all else!

Topic (other female player): [other player] stopped by the island the other day. It was like the arrival of a soft, sweet-smelling breeze from an enchanted, far-off land, [catchphrase]. I think it was... Yes, it was the lovely scent of lavender...

Topic (flag change, player): [player], did you change the flag's design again? The last one was good, but this one is magnificent! I wonder why...? Is it perhaps because you designed it while thinking of me, [catchphrase]?

Topic (flag change, other player): [other player] recently came by and changed the design of the flag, [catchphrase]. I actually rather like it. How about you?

  • “It’s OK, I guess.”: Really, [catchphrase]? I think it's rather striking, if you were to ask me... Perhaps it's too arty for you.
  • “Whatever…”: Well, ignore it at your own peril, [catchphrase]. If you were to wear clothes bearing that design... ...You'd probably look ravishing, [catchphrase]!

Topic (shaking trees, player): [player], do you enjoy shaking the palm trees on the island, [catchphrase]?

  • “I like it!”: I tend to do it a lot, too. And why do I do it? To become closer to nature, of course! And to get back in touch with my inner child, as well. attract your attention, [player]...
  • “No.”: But I see you shaking trees all the time, [player]. Are you depressed? If it makes you feel better, keep shaking those trees! Shake with all you've got! Each shake will bring you closer to a sense of inner peace, [catchphrase].

Topic (shaking trees, other player): [other player] was here just the other day... The rogue kept shaking the poor trees! It was lunacy! I suppose [other player] must have some issues.

  • “Maybe…”: You should be more supportive of poor [other player], then! That's what friends are for, correct, [catchphrase]?
  • “No way!”: You're right, [catchphrase]. Whatever was I thinking? [other player] always looks flushed with happiness.

Topic (dug holes, player): Do you...enjoy digging holes? You've been at it for quite a while now, I've noticed. Or are you perhaps trying to create a little hiding place?

  • “Maybe…”: You should just stay on [island] Island if you need a place to hide. You're always welcome here.
  • “That’s not true!”: Really? Are you sure? Because it looked to me like you needed a place to hide! That's all right, [player]. Dig to your heart's content!

Topic (dug holes, other player): [other player] stopped by the other day and felt compelled to dig up a ton of holes. I suppose everybody's got problems, [catchphrase].

Topic (coconut, player): Dearest [player]... You picked up a coconut, didn't you? Be careful where you plant it, for they won't grow unless you plant them near the ocean, [catchphrase].

Topic (coconut, other player): It happened a few days ago... [other player] looked at me with those deep, haunting eyes, and... ...left with a coconut in one perfect hand. [other player] is a thief! My heart was stolen along with that coconut...

Topic (ate coconut, player): I do believe I saw you eating a coconut earlier. I don't think it's very common to eat them whole... You must've been starving! You poor thing...

Topic (ate coconut, other player): I saw [other player] eating a coconut the other day! Such...ferocity! Such...hunger! [other player] must have been absolutely famished! I didn't say a word. I was too shocked!

Topic (planted flowers, player): You're the one who planted all those lovely flowers, correct, [catchphrase]? I must thank you for making this island's beauty grow. The only thing more beautiful is your soul, [player].

Topic (planted flowers, other player): I had such a pleasant surprise the other day! [other player] dropped by and planted lots of flowers. What a beautiful soul [other player] has! It's so rare to find such nobility nowadays, [catchphrase].

Topic (planted saplings, player): You very sweet. You planted many trees and plants here, didn't you now? Well, thanks to you, [island] Island is full of life and greenery. Yes, all because of you.

Topic (planted saplings, other player): [other player] is such a... model human being.

  • “Yeah!”: Hmm...yes. You seem to understand [other player] well. That dear human planted many trees and plants here... [other player]'s love for nature shows strength of character, in my honest opinion, [catchphrase].
  • “That’s not true!”: Hmm...well. It's obvious that you know very little about young [other player]. I'll have you know that dear human planted many trees and flowers on the island. [other player]'s love of nature shows a strength of character, in my honest opinion, [catchphrase].
  • “How come?”: Oh, you poor, daft thing... You simply don't understand. It's all about love. [other player] planted many trees and flowers here. [other player]'s love of nature shows strength of character, I think, [catchphrase].

Topic (planted coconut, player): Listen well, [player]. Palm trees don't grow unless you plant them on the beach. This is my advice to you, since you planted a coconut for me, [catchphrase].

Topic (planted coconut, other player): [other player] came by the other day, [catchphrase]. That human is such a nut! A coconut, if you will!

Topic (planted apple, player): You're like an apple... Crisp and tart... Thank you, [player]. You're the one who planted an apple here, correct? Leave the rest to me! I'll take good care of our new tree, [catchphrase].

Topic (planted peach, player): You're like a peach... Soft and sweet... Thank you, [player]. You're the one who planted a peach here, correct? Leave the rest to me! I'll take good care of our new tree, [catchphrase].

Topic (planted cherry, player): The deep, vibrant color of cherries reminds me of you... Thank you, [player]. You're the one who planted cherries here, correct? Leave the rest to me! I'll take good care of our new tree, [catchphrase].

Topic (planted pear, player): You're like a pear... Sweet and fresh... Thank you, Player. You're the one who planted a pear here, correct? Leave the rest to me! I'll take good care of our new tree, [catchphrase].

Topic (planted orange, player): You're like an orange... Tangy and refreshing... Thank you, [player]. You're the one who planted an orange here, correct? Leave the rest to me. I'll take good care of our new tree, [catchphrase].

Topic (planted apple, other player): [other player] came by the other day, [catchphrase]. That human truly puts out an air of sweet crispness, much like an apple!

Topic (planted peach, other player): [other player] came by the other day, [catchphrase]. What a sweet, peachy person!

Topic (planted cherry, other player): [other player] came by the other day, [catchphrase]. That human truly puts out an air of plump sweetness, like freshly picked cherries...

Topic (planted pear, other player): [other player] came by the other day, [catchphrase]. That human truly puts out an air of sweet freshness, much like a pear!

Topic (planted orange, other player): [other player] came by the other day, [catchphrase]. That human truly puts out an air of tart freshness, much like an orange!

Topic (crushed flowers, player): Player! Pay attention! You just stepped on a flower, didn't you?! Yes, you did! Beautiful things are to be cherished, [catchphrase].

Topic (crushed flowers, other player): Hey, just between us two, how would you describe [other player]...?

  • “Amazing!”: Yes, I'm inclined to agree... Heh heh... Just joking with you, [catchphrase]. I won't horn in on you! That [other player] is shy. I'd approach with caution.
  • “Eww, YUCK!!!”: You shouldn't say that. No one deserves cruelty of that sort, you know. We should all get along. [other player] is shy, that's all, [catchphrase].
  • “A nice person.”: Hmm... Sounds like you're just being tactful, but... I agree, [catchphrase].

Topic (crushed many flowers, player): I'm sad to say I've lost my faith in you, [player]! Why, you ask? You know full well what you've done, [catchphrase]!

Topic (crushed many flowers, other player): [other player]...did a horrible thing, [catchphrase]. That little scamp destroyed all the flowers on the island. Oh...I can't bear remembering! The horror of it all... I hope you would never lower yourself to such a disgraceful level, [catchphrase].

Topic (chopped trees, player): Just look what you've done, [player]! How could you? How dare you cut down my lovely, precious palm trees! Are you aware that palm trees are unlike any other tree? I challenge you to find any tree as satisfying to shake! I must insist that you plant replacements, [catchphrase].

Topic (chopped trees, other player): [other player] is truly an awful person... The rogue saw fit to chop down my favorite palm tree. And for what? No reason I can see, [catchphrase]. Whenever I shook that tree, it felt as though I was tangoing with Mother Nature herself... My heart aches.

Topic (chopped many trees, player): What are you trying to do?! Why did you cut down so many of the trees?! That's not the way to fill this island with life and love, [catchphrase]. Come, now... Throw away your weapon of destruction and embrace love.

Topic (chopped many trees, other player): I want you to do me a favor. It's about [other player]. Sadly, [other player] has fallen from grace and cut down every tree on the island, [catchphrase]. I beg you, [player]... You must go and teach [other player] how to love and cherish nature!

Topic (barred knifejaw, player): I heard you caught a barred knifejaw! I didn't know you had such a wild, rugged side, [player]. I hope I can catch one someday, [catchphrase]. Or maybe I just want someone to reel ME in!

Topic (barred knifejaw, other player): You know, [player]... That [other player] character caught a barred knifejaw here recently, [catchphrase]. [other player] is so gentle, yet wild at the same time... Oh, I'm so jealous! I know I shouldn't be...

Topic (pushed, player): You collide with me with such passion and precision! I'm so flattered... You're like a master of the tango, [catchphrase]!

Topic (pushed, other player): [other player] is a very passionate person, which I generally rather approve of. But sometimes it's too much. Last time [other player] visited here, I didn't know how to get away from the poor dear's advances! I've never been pushed around so much by a human! Perhaps [other player] was just venting some emotional issues...

Topic (net, player) 1: Why would you hit me? Is that your misguided way of showing affection? You're rather feisty. I like that...

Topic (net, other player) 1: The last time I spoke to [other player], that brute struck me repeatedly with a fishing net of some sort! My hair's all messed up now. You know how much work it takes to condition my hair properly, [catchphrase]?

Topic (net, player) 2: [player]! Please! Don't hit me with your net! You've messed up my hair! If you're going to hit me, hit me with something that stylizes, [catchphrase]!

Topic (net, other player) 2: [other player] was visiting here the other day. And you won't believe what occured then! That cad kept striking me with a net! My hair was ruined. It was an utter disaster, [catchphrase]!

Topic (pitfall, player): I'm still somewhat unnerved. I fell into a hole that some careless fool had dug up, [catchphrase]. Was it you, [player]...? Did you dig that hole?

  • “Absolutely NOT!”: Oh, really? I apologize, [player]. I doubted you... How horrid of me! {SAD MOOD}
  • “Sorry!”: I appreciate your honesty, [player]. To tell you the truth, I don't care whose fault it was, [catchphrase]. The most important thing is... that this event brought the two of us closer together.

Topic (pitfall, other player): I swore I would never, ever speak of this again, but... I fell into a hole the last time [other player] was here. I was so embarrassed, I wanted to disappear into that hole forever...

Topic (fall, player): Say, are you feeling all right, [player]? I saw you take a fall, [catchphrase]. Are you sure you're all right?

  • “Sure thing!”: Oh, I'm so relieved... You're such a mischievous rogue, [catchphrase].
  • “Not really.”: You'll be OK as long as you have me by your side! I shall never leave you.

Topic (fall, other player): I must admit, I'm awfully worried about [other player]... Why, you ask? Because I saw the poor thing fall in the sand about a hundred times! It was devastating! How could I just sit back and watch? That's an awful suggestion! How could you say that, [catchphrase]!?

Topic (love luck, player?): Say, [player]... I found myself reading a [book] recently, and it made me wonder... What kind of artist do you see me as, [catchphrase]?

  • “Dancer”: You think so, [player]? Do I look so elegant and passionate, [catchphrase]? Well, if that is what you think, why don't you and I dance the lambada?
  • “Model”: Hmm...yes. That's nice of you, but I'm not really into modeling. After all, good looks fade with time, [catchphrase].
  • “Tough-guy”: Oh, really? What a refreshing take on my looks, [catchphrase]. Maybe I should star as a bad guy in my own action film!

Topic (love luck, other player): Oh, I saw [other player] the other day... That lovely face was like a ray of bright sunshine... My sunburn hasn't healed since!

Topic (unpopular luck, player): Say, [player]. Don't you think your clothes aren't quite the right size?

  • “That’s not true!”: Really, [catchphrase]? ...Are you sure? Well, I suppose if you're happy looking that way... It's good to have high self-esteem, [catchphrase].
  • “Maybe…”: Yes, I knew it! Every motion your body made cried out for a better fit, [catchphrase]. Design is quite important, but the fit is even more essential, [player].

Topic (unpopular luck, other player): [other player] dropped by the other day... I think that rogue is on one enormous ego trip. It was a very unpleasant visit, [catchphrase].

Topic (bad luck, player): Are you quite all right? You look somewhat woozy... Are you sure you're not feeling ill, [catchphrase]?

  • “I’ll handle it!”: Oh, is that so... You're even tougher than you look, [catchphrase].
  • “I’m great!”: Was it just my imagination? You seemed down, so I was worried, [catchphrase]. Even so, I must say this: I like you better when you're smiling.

Topic (bad luck, other player): [other player] dropped in just the other day... The little scamp looked extraordinarily unsteady! Truly, [other player] looked ready to fall at any second! I'm rather worried... Do you think [other player] will be OK, [catchphrase]?

Topic (money luck, player?): Kapp'n sings such wonderful songs... Such soulful ballads. Listening to his songs always inspires me to write a poem, [catchphrase]. I just thought of one... Whoops, I forgot. Ah well.

Topic (money luck, other player): [other player] swung by the other day... Yes, [other player] made a point of flaunting cash... As if that would win my favor! Please! But perhaps I'm being a bit too harsh, [catchphrase].

Topic (item luck, player): [player], you look happy. Did you find something marvelous, [catchphrase]?

  • “That’s right!”: Oh, how nice... Good for you, [player]. Your good fortune is probably a reward for a good deed or something, [catchphrase].
  • “Nope, nothing!”: Oops! Sorry! My mistake, [catchphrase]. It was your fault, though, [player]. Yes, it was. Your smile was so perfect... What was I to think?

Topic (item luck, other player): [other player] swung by the other day... That scamp looked ridiculously happy for some reason.

Non-Chat / Miscellaneous Interactions

Bee sting: Oh, gag! I mean, is that you, [player]? Uh… You’ve done something to your face. Something bad. Not attractive. I’d be willing to bet that if you lay down for a bit, you’ll be back to yourself in no time. Don’t fret, [catchphrase].

Pushed 1: Hey, let’s keep our hands to ourselves, [player]! If you must jostle about, why not learn the elegance of dance, [catchphrase]? {UPSET}

Pushed 2: Ah, yes. Very nice… You’re quite a passionate sort, aren’t you? But I must tell you, this is not the right way to get my attention, [catchphrase]! {UPSET}

Pushed 3: Oh, come now! You’ve no rhythm whatsoever! How do you expect to dance without rhythm?! You must feel the beat in your soul! {UPSET}

Net 1: Ouch! I must say, this is a strange way for you to express your desire to be around me, [catchphrase]! It’s a rather bad one. I’m afraid I’m spoken for. {UPSET}

Net 2: Ouch! Stingly! [player]! You poor thing. Is this how you express your affection for me? Let me just tell you… It’s definitely not working for me, [catchphrase]!

Net 3: [player]? Is this your way of winning my favor? That’s the worst method of all time, [catchphrase]!

Pitfall 1: You must flee! Don't worry about me! Save yourself!

Pitfall 2: Nooooo! It's a trap! A fiendish trap!

Pitfall 3: Run away! Although, before you do, you mind telling me if I look as cool as I think I do in here, [catchphrase]?

Angry 1: It would be wrong for me to expose you to my anger. You understand, don’t you, [player]?

Angry 2: Please, just… stay away from me, [player]! My anger may drive me to say something hurtful!

Angry 3: NOOOOOO! NO! I’m sorry, I’m consumed by anger right now, [catchphrase]!

Sad 1: So sorry, [player]. But for the moment… I want to be left alone.

Sad 2: Sigh… Oh, woe is me… This pain in my heart simply won’t leave… Oh, it’s just a scratch. Don’t worry about me…

Sad 3: This pain is unbearable… My heart…is breaking… I’m sorry, [player]. I bet my smile doesn’t look nearly as attractive as it usually does…

Upset 1: Hey now, [player]. You’re really wounding my heart with this nonsense…

Upset 2: Oh, [player]… You’ve forgotten a vital lesson of life, [catchphrase]! Try to remember what it is!

Upset 3: You’ve saddened me… [player], you’re not the kind of person I once thought you were.

Love luck 1: At last I’ve found you, my dearest human! I can’t explain my heart, but lately I’ve simply NEEDED to see you, [player]! I guess I don’t need a reason, [catchphrase]…

Love luck 2: Hmm? What could this be? What is it that I’m feeling…? Could this be what the poets call the magic of love? I feel ready to do anything you ask me to… …But what’s this? The feeling is now beginning to slowly fade away… {NEUTRAL LUCK}

Love luck 3A: You look like a ray of bright sunshine come to earth today, [catchphrase]. Hmm? What’s this? I erred, [catchphrase]. I wonder if I ate something that didn’t agree with me? {NEUTRAL LUCK}

Love luck 3B: You look like a ray of bright sunshine come to earth today, [catchphrase]. My heart’s been taken hostage by your enormous yet enthralling eyes…

Unpopular luck 1: Hey, I’m fine. Fine! Don’t feel the need to say anything at all. It’s not your fault, [catchphrase]. I’m sorry to wear my heart on my sleeve like that… If I came down hard on you, I must beg your pardon.

Unpopular luck 2: I’m sorry, [player]. I’m very busy composing a poem at the moment, so be a dear and leave me alone with all speed. Thank you.

Unpopular luck 3: Ah! [player]! I must confess, I heard an awfully naughty rumor about you, [catchphrase]. But all I need to do is gaze deeply into your eyes to see whether or not you’re truly as bad as your reputation… …Don’t look away… …Those pupils… …Like dark pools… …?! Don’t avert your eyes! If you don’t cooperate, I can’t ever help you heal your soul, [catchphrase]!

Unpopular luck (???) 1: ...Oh, I take it all back! I guess I was overreacting. I'm sorry, [catchphrase]. {NEUTRAL LUCK}

Unpopular luck (???) 2: Look, I don't have time to be talking to you, OK, [catchphrase]?

Asleep message: ♥I'll see you in my dreams♥