User:Piranhapete/Sandboxes/Islander Personality Descriptions

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This page is a list of descriptions of the personalities of Islanders as they appear in Animal Crossing and Doubutsu no Mori e+ based off their dialogue and interactions. Please note that as there are no official terms for these personalities, the terms used are fan-coined and some possible alternatives are provided. This page is WIP.


As a stoic or lazy islander, Boomer is philosophical, somber, and reclusive in nature, having forgone material possessions and society in favor of a solitary life on the island. He is taciturn and reserved in conversation, intent to restrain any foolish emotions, and will often wax on with wise and depressive musings on life and the cold nature of the universe. He advocates for moderation, self-discipline, and acceptance of suffering as an inevitable aspect of living while lamenting recklessness, materialism, and selfish acts of violence and destruction. Occasionally, he will be unable to contain his true feelings and give way to an embarrassing emotional outburst, passionately demanding items he can no longer live without. While lazy islanders have an awkward side, they are much more intellectual and reticent than their mainland counterparts; they share some pessimistic qualities of cranky mainlanders but have a gentler and more thoughtful temperament.

  • Islanders with this personality: Boomer, Dobie, Yodel, Raddle, Kidd, Roswell
    • When brought to later titles, stoic islanders have become lazy (2), smug (2), or cranky (1) villagers.
  • Alternate terms: hermit, lonely, wise, philosopher, reclusive, ascetic, somber


As a dreamer or normal islander, Bliss is peace-loving, bohemian, and whimsical in nature and will often wander off into fantasies or daydreams. She will frequently reference the natural beauty of the island around her, read auras, and wish peace upon the player. She is kind to the extreme, considering the feelings of every plant and creature around her, but she often spaces out and can even speak nonsense, dreaming about magic, fairy tales, and being a princess. She seeks tranquility and harmony in all things and will ask the player for items to improve her meditation. She is sweet-natured like normal mainlanders but is much more sensitive, fanciful, and eccentric.

  • Islanders with this personality: Bliss, Faith, June, Patricia, Marina, Norma
    • When brought to later titles, dreamer islanders have become normal (4) or big sister (1) villagers.
  • Alternate terms: dreamy, airy, daydreamy, daydreamer, moony, hippie, flower child, tree hugger

Surfer Bro

As a surfer bro or jock islander, Drift is laidback, cool, and fraternal in nature, dedicated to his lifestyle of surfing and taking it easy on the island. He uses characteristic slang like “gnarly,” “righteous,” and “tubular” in conversation and other hip or goofy turns of phrase as well terms related to surfing, often remarking on the island’s sun and the quality of the waves. He encourages the player to “mellow out,” go with the flow, and enjoy the slow pace of island life as he does, avoiding hard work or taking anything seriously. As a stereotypical dude, he wonders about how to meet hot beach babes and will ask the player to hook him up with items that will let him bask in the cool feeling of his room. While upbeat, masculine, and preoccupied with the sport of surfing in a manner reminiscent of jock mainlanders, Bud has a lazy, empty-headed personality more similar to lazy mainlanders.

  • Islanders with this personality: Drift, Bud, Pigleg, Fruity, Harry, Masa
    • When brought to later titles, surfer bro islanders have become jock (2) or cranky (1) villagers.
  • Alternate terms: surfer, surf bro, bro, surfer dude, chill


As an auntie or peppy islander, Elina is bossy, old-fashioned, and tomboyish in nature and often schools the player on shaping up and the right way to act. She speaks with a rustic, spunky dialect in conversation and offers hardy lectures on topics such as having a healthy appetite, town pride, and how to be a real man or an independent girl. She has a quick temper and will staunchly reprimand the player if she feels they are acting weak or slacking off, but the player may win her approval if she is impressed by their achievements or respectable character. She enjoys sizing up the player’s physique, coaching them on sports they ought to play, and telling childhood stories of how boys were put to shame by her past athletic prowess. She is nostalgic for her good old days and will ask the player for items that remind her of when she was a little girl. While spirited like peppy mainlanders, Elina is much rougher and speaks like an older woman from the country.

  • Alternate terms: bossy, biddy, tomboy, fusspot, bumpkin, nostalgic


As a suave or cranky islander, O'Hare is beguiling, pleasant, and egocentric in nature and often flirts with the player using effortless smooth talk. He speaks in a refined, debonair manner in conversation, referencing the romantic atmosphere of the island and exotic types of dance such as the lambada and tango, in which he invites the player to join him. Coquettish and charming in his advances, O’Hare will tease the player for being naughty or shy, note their physical appearance, and insinuate playful interest whether they are male or female, though he portrays himself as a ladies’ man at heart. Prone to self-adulation, O’Hare will often boast of his many qualities, remarking on his sculpted physique, exquisite taste, and seasoned talents such as poetry, dancing, and acting. He will ask the player for sensual furniture to stylishly coordinate an alluring bachelor pad. Unlike cranky mainlanders, O’Hare is slow to anger even when mistreated and adopts a welcoming, agreeable demeanor despite living alone.

  • Islanders with this personality: O'Hare, Flash, Rowan, Frank, Weldon, Curlos
    • When brought to later titles, suave islanders have become smug (2), jock (1), or cranky (1) villagers.
  • Alternate terms: romantic, gentleman, casanova, charmer, amorous


As a ditzy or snooty islander, Maelle is outspoken, airheaded, and melodramatic in nature, always eager to share her thoughts even if she does not have many of them. She is expressive and vapid in conversation and speaks without thinking, discussing makeup and her own beauty, exclaiming about things she finds gross, and spacing out about practical matters. With a penchant for drama and little self-control, she can seldom stop herself from making catty or backhanded remarks despite being deeply insecure others will perceive her conceited and immature tendencies. Oversensitive and uninhibited, she can often be unintentionally impolite and is pushy in her requests for items she is dying to have, but her mindless candor and warmth can often maintain her affable charm. While vain like snooty mainlanders, Maelle is contrastingly unsophisticated and speaks like a girly teenager rather than a mature lady.

  • Alternate terms: dramatic, ditz, girly, bratty, brat, gossip, drama queen, diva, vain, chatty, chatterbox, gabby, busybody