Pineapple dress (New Horizons)

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Error: {{#seo:}} must contain at least one non-empty attribute.
Closet icon

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Buy price Sell price
 1,500 Bells  375 Bells
Obtain via
 Mabel (Summer)
 Able Sisters (Summer)
Label themes Fairy Tale / Party / Vacation
Names in other languages
 robe ananas
 vestido piña
 vestito ananas
 платье «Ананас»
 파인애플 옷
 robe ananas
 vestido piña

The Pineapple Dress is a dress-up item in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

The Pineapple Dress can be obtained during the summer from Mabel before building Able Sisters, or from the shop once it has opened for 1500× Bell.
