
From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki
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A player next to several villager pictures
File:ACNL VillagerPics.jpg
A player looking at Fauna's picture

A picture is a piece of special furniture, worth around 3,200 HRA points each, given to the player by a villager, most often their best friend. They appear in Animal Crossing: Wild World and Animal Crossing: New Leaf. The picture has a portrait of the villager and can be interacted with. Once selected, it reveals a quote either unique to the villager (one example is Tangy's picture, which talks about citrus) or their personalities or species. The majority of players assume pictures originated in Wild World. However, the idea started from the original Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival and its port, where Nook's portrait can be received in the monthly lottery.

There are 150 villager and 7 special character picture furniture items in Wild World, making a total of 157. They do not appear in the catalogue, and do not have a color or genre, despite their colored frames. They can be put on top of tables, fireplaces, etc. They all take up one space in the player's house, and cannot be sold. When dropped outside, they appear as the same green leaf that other furniture items do.

These pictures are obtained by befriending the villagers. Once given, a picture is the player's forever, even if the villager moves away. The reverse of a villager's picture has a phrase that matches their personality.

Villager Pictures & Phrases

In Wild World


Villager Name Phrase
Agent S I'm gonna, like, save the world!
Alfonso We're friends, so I won't gnaw on your legs, even though I'm starving.
Alice I like having you around.
Alli The most important parts of any ensemble are the purse and shoes.
Amelia Pampering yourself is as important as food, water, and shelter!
Anabelle I'll remember you even when I'm famous!
Anchovy I'm hungry.
Angus Even strong men cry.
Antonio Always go for the burn!
Apollo I'm not bald! I've just got fine feathers, that's all!
Aurora Just keep your cool.
Baabara I'm so soft that I don't even need a pillow!
Bella Would you like my autograph?
Benedict Bok bok bok?! Just kidding. A huh huh huh!
Big Top World domination!
Bill Even though there's no "I" in team, there's no "everybody" either!
Biskit Let sleeping dogs lie.
Blaire My tail looks extra fluffy in this picture.
Bluebear I enjoy tap dancing and raspberry jam!
Bob I'm a cat. Chillin' is in my blood, man.
Bones Thanks for the snacks. Hint hint.
Boone Words to live by: Don't ever wimp out!
Bree Just in case you were wondering, I like presents.
Buck What are you staring at?!
Bud You're not living unless you're sweating!
Bunnie Come on! Get amped!
Butch I'm watching you!
Camofrog You can't see me.
Caroline Relax!
Cesar All hail my moustache!
Champ You'll never get THIS monkey off your back!
Chevre Dream a little dream.
Chief Harrumph!
Chow Remember...I'm always watching you.
Coco I'm feeling kind of blank today.
Cube Stay cool.
Curly Get fired up!
Curt I'm watching you!
Cyrano Wish you were here!
Daisy Just a regular girl in a crazy world!
Deena I'm not a lame duck!
Derwin Everything in moderation. Except for snacks.
Dizzy Keep it mellow.
Dora Got any cheese for me?
Dotty Hop to it, wee one!
Drake Got any snacks on you?
Drift Always go for the gold!
Egbert Napping is when I do my best thinking.
Elise If you say anything stupid about bananas or monkeying around, I'll scream!
Elmer Got any snacks on you?
Eloise You'll want to display this prominently!
Elvis Thank you very much.
Filbert Don't go nuts or anything.
Friga This isn't a fortune cookie! It's an important life lesson!
Frobert I don't wanna see any lily-livered jumping! Always aim high!
Gabi I'm trying out a new earstyle here.
Gaston Sacre bleu!
Genji Hai-ya!
Gladys Smiles are free, you know.
Goldie I'm really into that Lab on the cover of Nintendogs. He's pretty dreamy.
Goose Who are you callin' chicken, chicken?!
Gwen I'm just that cool.
Hopper This is my good side.
Hugh Keep it real. Real chill.
Jay You gotta want it!
Jeremiah Think about it, man. Bullfrog is only one letter away from blue frog.
Jitters When you're a team of one, you're always captain!
Joey Don't get your feathers all ruffled. Just chill.
Kabuki Hoo-ha konichiwa!
Kid Cat Spandex is the best disguise.
Kiki Hang in there, kiddo.
Kitt They say that ugly parents have ugly kids.
Kody Drop and give me twenty!
Lily Don't jump to conclusions!
Limberg Something stinks!
Lobo I'm always watching you!
Lucky Ow.
Lucy This picture entitles you to one free smile!
Maelle I like long walks on the beach. Alone.
Mallary Purple is the color of royalty, you know!
Maple Maple + Moppina = BFF!
Margie Keep your feet on the ground.
Marina I think I'm the only sane one in this town.
Mathilda Blood is thicker than water!
Melba You're my new best bud!
Mint I'm totally fresh and you know it!
Mitzi Sometimes I think I'm the only sane one around.
Moe Whoa...
Monique No airbrushing necessary!
Monty What are YOU looking at?!
Nan Nanny-nanny boo-boo!
Nana Pink is the new black!
Nibbles Coming soon to a billboard near you!
Octavian Don't be a sucker!
Olivia You're the best kind of friend because you make me look even prettier.
Opal Now whenever you see this picture of me, you can think warm thoughts.
Pango Now you can say you knew me when!
Patty This month's Ms. Nintendique cover girl!
Peanut This is my star smile.
Pecan A picture of me is worth a thousand pictures of someone else!
Pierce Nobody likes flabby wings.
Pompom This one goes out to all my fans!
Poncho C'mere! I wanna bench-press you!
Portia Of course my photo doesn't need retouching!
Puddles HIP HOP HO! Hey, let's go!
Pudge Keep it real. Yeah.
Punchy Turn the other cheek.
Purrl You don't mind if I use your bed to sharpen my claws, do you?
Queenie No retouching necessary!
Rasher Stop looking at me with those hungry eyes! I'm not a pork chop!
Rhonda Don't look down your nose at people!
Ribbot Never rest, never rust.
Roald I'm not waddling! I'm working my glutes!
Robin Always keep your wings manicured so you can fly away!
Rocco You smell like patchouli!
Rod You're not done 'til your muscles are screaming in agony!
Rodeo Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Rolf I could eat you for lunch, you know.
Roscoe I've got my eye on you, bucko!
Rosie To the president of the Rosie Fan Club!
Rowan Why be junior varsity when you can be VARSITY?!
Ruby I'm not sick, I'm just albino!
Sally Just something to remember me by.
Samson This isn't a dress I'm wearing! It's a muscle tee!
Savannah Keep your chin up!
Simon It's kind of a stereotype, but I really do love bananas!
Snake Snake's number one!
Static Zap!
Stitches Sometimes the sum is greater than its parts! Get it? A huh huh huh!
Tabby This is my new headshot!
Tangy They say cats hate citrus. THAT REALLY HURTS MY FEELINGS!
Tank Remember to keep your core muscles engaged!
Teddy You gotta play through the pain!
Tiffany What's up, bunbun?
Tipper I know you'll treasure this forever.
Twiggy Do you want my autograph, too?
Vesta I'm so lucky to have this wool coat!
Walker Perhaps you know me as my superhero alter ego, Fashion Lad.
Wart Jr. I've got my eye on you.
Whitney If you even THINK about crossing me, just think about these pearly whites!
Wolfgang I could eat you for breakfast, short stack!
Yuka It's nice that you have me as a friend.

Special Characters

Character Name Phrase How to Obtain
Katie and Kaitlin Thanks! Reunite Katie with Kaitlin.
K.K. Slider My music wants to be free, man. Trading for and giving him a country guitar.
Pascal The more you learn, man, the less you know. Trading for and giving him a scallop.
Pelly Always remember the Boondoxians. Save 100 million Bells at the Post Office.
Phyllis Whenever you think about bugging me, just look at this photo instead. Save 500 million Bells at the Post Office.
Mr. Resetti SAVE YOUR GAME! Reset the game.
Tom Nook I'll be there with Bells on! Ho ho! Trading for and giving him a safe.

In New Leaf


Villager Name Phrase Picture
Agent S You gotta put the pedal to the metal!
Agnes You reap what you sow.
Al Life is a buffet - always go back for seconds.
Alfonso Slow and steady wins the race.
Alice Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Alli Think before you act.
Amelia Pampering yourself is as important as food, water, and shelter!
Anabelle Dance like no one's watching!
Anchovy Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow.
Angus Even strong men cry.
Anicotti The walls have ears.
Ankha All that glitters is not gold.
Annalisa Home is where the heart is.
Annalise Let gossip in one ear and out the other.
Antonio Always go for the burn!
Apollo What goes up must come down.
Apple One spoiled apple spoils the barrel.
Astrid The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Aurora Just keep your cool.
Ava Early to bed, early to rise.
Avery What goes around comes around.
Axel Do not compare a fly with an elephant.
Baabara Don't just follow the flock.
Bam Get while the getting's good.
Bangle Don't blink or you'll miss it.
Barold Please DO feed the bears!
Beardo Ladies first!
Beau You snooze, you lose.
Becky A fool and his Bells are soon parted.
Bella A head shot is worth a thousand words.
Benedict Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Benjamin A good dog deserves a good treat.
Bertha The best part of spring is the picnics!
Bettina No time like the present!
Bianca There is such a thing as love at first sight.
Biff Eighth place is just the seventh loser.
Big Top A big nose never spoiled a handsome face.
Bill Even though there's no 'I' in team, there is a 'me'!
Biskit Let sleeping dogs lie.
Blaire Practice makes perfect.
Blanche Nothing beats personal experience.
Bluebear Candy makes the world go 'round.
Bob You only live once...or nine times.
Bonbon Hindsight is always 20/20.
Bones A snack a day keeps the vacuum away.
Boomer Flying is believing.
Boone Words to live by: Don't ever wimp out!
Bree The gift says more about the giver.
Broccolo One nap leads to another.
Broffina Don't peck the hand that feeds you.
Bruce Nobody's perfect.
Bubbles It's best to keep your lips and purse sealed.
Buck Keep your eyes on the prize.
Bud You're not living unless you're sweating!
Bunnie Hare today, gone tomorrow.
Butch A house without either a cat or a dog is a sad house indeed.
Cally It's always teatime somewhere.
Camofrog What you can't see can't hurt you.
Canberra It's never too late to start over.
Carmen Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Caroline New brooms sweep clean.
Celia It's the thought that counts.
Cesar As soon as you can grow a moustache, do it.
Chadder Meeting is just the start of us saying good-bye.
Charlise Actions speak louder than words.
Cheri Good things come in small packages.
Cherry One dog barks at something; the rest bark at him.
Chester Sleep early. Wake late.
Chevre If you're gonna dream, dream big.
Chief Don't wish it was easier; wish you were better.
Chops You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Chow All good things must come to an end.
Chrissy A fool and her Bells are soon parted.
Claudia A tiger can't change its stripes.
Clay Life is just a bowl of cherries.
Clyde The grass is always greener.
Coach Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Cobb Might makes right.
Coco Don't put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
Cole Little pitchers have big ears.
Colton Make hay while the sun shines.
Cookie Don't lose sight of what you're really after.
Cousteau Jump first; ask questions later.
Cranston Hard work beats talent.
Croque Where there's smoke, there's fire.
Cube Sometimes you gotta learn to chill.
Curlos If you want to know yourself, ask your neighbors.
Curly Get fired up!
Curt A bell saved is a bell earned.
Cyrano Don't cut off your nose to spite your face.
Daisy It's not always a dog-eat-dog world.
Deirdre Legs of an antelope, heart of an eagle.
Del The hero is brave in deeds as well as words.
Deli Righty tighty, lefty loosey.
Derwin Everything in moderation. Except for snacks.
Diana Sometimes you have to lose to win.
Diva Eyes are the windows to the soul.
Dizzy Keep it mellow.
Doc One cannot live on carrots alone.
Dora The squeaky wheel gets the cheese.
Dotty It's always a good hare day.
Drago There's no room for two dragons in one pond.
Drake ...Quack.
Drift Always go for the gold!
Ed Beauty is pain!
Egbert You gotta break a few eggs to make an omelet.
Elise Do as I say, not as I do.
Elmer The horse doesn't pull the cart, the oats do.
Eloise An elephant never forgets.
Elvis Better a live coward than a dead hero.
Erik If you're afraid of wolves, don't go to the woods. File:Erik's Pic NL.png
Eugene Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
Eunice There is a point to every encounter.
Fang You mess with the wolf, you get the fangs.
Fauna The first step is always the hardest.
Felicity Love has no bounds.
Filbert Don't go nuts or anything.
Flip See no donut, hear no donut, speak no donut.
Flo Always keep a straight face.
Flora Pink is the new black.
Flurry Squeak your mind, even if your voice shakes.
Francine Sometimes, you got to put beauty in things.
Frank Today is the last day of the rest of your life.
Freckles Act now before you change your mind!
Freya Don't stray too far from the pack.
Friga You can't learn a life lesson from a fortune cookie.
Frita Don't sweat the small potatoes.
Frobert Always aim high!
Fuchsia It takes one to know one.
Gabi The more the merrier.
Gala Still waters run deep.
Gaston An ear for an ear leaves everyone deaf.
Gayle An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Genji Fall down seven times, get up eight.
Gigi Look at the world through rose-colored glasses.
Gloria Time is money.
Goldie A little bit of happiness is better than a lot of anguish.
Goose Birds of a feather crow together.
Graham Knowledge is power.
Greta The world is a stage.
Grizzly Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Groucho Rocky road is more than just a flavor of ice cream.
Gruff Don't burn bridges.
Gwen Mind your manners, or someone else will.
Hamlet The ear's the thing.
Hamphrey Children should be seen and not heard.
Hans One good turn deserves another.
Harry Patience is a virtue for folks with time.
Hazel Never say never!
Henry The way to a frog's heart is through his stomach.
Hippeux Mottoes are for the unoriginal.
Hopper Always have a comeback.
Hugh Keep it real. Real chill.
Iggly Six of one, half dozen of the other.
Jacques Better to have loved and squawked than to have never loved at all.
Jambette It takes more muscles to frown than to smile.
Jay He who hesitates has lost!
Jeremiah Sleep before you leap.
Jitters When you're a team of one, you're always captain!
Joey Don't get your feathers all ruffled. Just chill.
Julian Never trot when you can prance.
Kabuki If you make your opponent flinch, you have already won.
Katt MeowMEOWmeow!
Keaton Even in a room full of fools, someone is the smartest.
Ken C'est la vie!
Kevin Sometimes it's OK to get dirty.
Kid Cat Crime doesn't pay!
Kidd Be yourself - everyone else is already taken.
Kiki Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Kitt Funny parents have funny kids.
Kitty If you want something done well, do it yourself.
Klaus Pride goes before a fall.
Knox A man's coop is his castle.
Kody The sky's the limit!
Kyle Never trust a sheep in wolf's clothing.
Leonardo That's the way the energy bar crumbles.
Lily Don't jump to conclusions!
Limberg Don’t build a better mousetrap.
Lionel Love is blind.
Lobo If it's not one thing, it's another.
Lolly Laughter is the best medicine
Lopez Always look both ways before crossing the street.
Lucha Birds of a feather, et cetera, et cetera...
Lucky Don't bite the hand that feeds you.
Lucy The best is yet to come. File:Lucy's Pic NL.png
Lyman Eucalyptus is the spice of life.
Mac Sometimes life is rough.
Maelle A wise duck takes care of her bill.
Mallary Purple is the color of royalty.
Maple Waste not, want not.
Marcel There's not a dog so bad that he won't wag his tail.
Marcie The road to a friend's house is never long.
Margie Keep your feet on the ground.
Marina If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.
Marshal Seize the day.
Mathilda Nail polish is thicker than water.
Melba A friend who shares is a friend who cares.
Merengue Life is a piece of cake.
Merry A smile increases your face value.
Midge When the world gets cold, just fly south.
Mint Always lead by example.
Mira Always help a friend in need.
Miranda If the world was flooded, it will be easy for the duck.
Mitzi Practice makes purrrfect!
Moe Ignorance is bliss.
Molly Like water off a duck's back.
Monique All publicity is good publicity!
Monty No news is good news.
Moose A cornered rat will summon the courage to bite a cat.
Mott The lion’s share goes to the lion.
Muffy There's a black sheep in every family.
Nan Nanny-nanny boo-boo!
Nana Bread always falls peanut-butter side down.
Naomi Moo like there's no tomorrow.
Nate Be true to yourself.
Nibbles Appearances are, like, totally deceiving.
O'Hare It's not old; it's vintage.
Octavian Don't be a sucker!
Olaf Keep your nose clean.
Olivia There's an exception to every rule.
Opal However little you think of an elephant, you can't say it won't fill a pot.
Ozzie Half a loaf is better than none.
Pancetti Always get it in writing.
Pango A thing of beauty is a joy forever!
Papi Never say neigh.
Pashmina Before you judge someone, walk a mile in her hooves.
Pate A duck won't bite you.
Patty A friend in need is a friend indeed!
Paula Trends always make a comeback. File:Paula's Pic NL.png
Peaches Every day is a gift.
Peanut Never take a nibble when you can take a bite.
Pecan Promises are like pie crusts - they're made to be broken.
Peck The best defense is a good offense.
Peewee Look behind you.
Peggy We're all diamonds in the rough.
Pekoe Let bygones be bygones.
Penelope One mile or a thousand makes no difference to love.
Phil Best not say too much.
Phoebe You can't keep a good bird down.
Pierce When someone says fly, you ask how high!
Pietro Be the class clown!
Pinky Time spent with friends is time well spent!
Pippy Fake it till you make it!
Pompom Happiness is a rainy day.
Poncho Fortune favors the brave!
Poppy It's all about positive thinking!
Portia Charity begins at home.
Prince Catch more flies with honey than vinegar. File:Prince's Pic NL.png
Puck A bad attitude will land you in the penalty box.
Puddles Look before you leap.
Pudge There's no such thing as a free lunch.
Punchy There's always more fish in the sea!
Purrl Let them drink cream.
Queenie You never get a second chance to make a first impression.
Quillson There is beauty in everything.
Rasher Don't judge a book by its cover.
Renée Reckless youth makes rueful age.
Rhonda Don't look down your nose at people!
Ribbot Never rest, never rust.
Ricky You gotta break a few shells to get to the nut.
Rizzo Evil lurks everywhere.
Roald You must learn to waddle before you can swim.
Robin Always keep your wings manicured so you can fly away!
Rocco The only thing to fear is fear itself... and bees.
Rocket Art feeds the soul. So does pizza.
Rod If you can't beat 'em, work harder.
Rodeo Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Rodney Everything is temporary. File:Rodney's Pic NL.png
Rolf Don't skip lunch. Ever.
Rooney Bob and weave! Bob and weave!
Rory Set 'em up and knock 'em down.
Roscoe Trouble rides a fast horse.
Rosie One good purr deserves another.
Rowan Refuse to lose.
Ruby You can always take the red-eye.
Rudy Always land on your feet!
Sally Even the smallest acorn may grow into the tallest tree.
Samson Squeak softly and carry a big stick.
Savannah Keep your chin up!
Scoot Some birds avoid the water; ducks look for it.
Shari A good start leads to a good end.
Sheldon Winners don't quit, and quitters never win.
Shep Even dogs won't get in the middle of true love.
Simon Friends go together like peanut butter and bananas.
Skye Love makes the world go 'round. File:Skye's Pic NL.png
Sly Don't bite off more than you can chew. File:Sly's Pic NL.png
Snake A good ninja is neither seen, nor heard.
Soleil Sometimes dreams are merely dreams.
Sparro The proof of the pudding is in the eating.
Spork It's never too late for a snack.
Sprinkle Frosting is just the icing on the cake.
Static Lightning never strikes twice.
Sterling Discretion is the better part of valor.
Stinky If the mask fits, wear it!
Stitches One stitch in time saves nine!
Sydney Sail wherever the wind takes you.
Sylvia Hop first; ask questions later.
T-Bone Don't have a cow.
Tabby You can never have too much of a good thing!
Tammi Always be down to monkey around. File:Tammi's Pic NL.png
Tammy If a job is worth doing, do it right!
Tangy When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Tank Remember to keep your core muscles engaged!
Teddy No pain, no gain!
Tex Rules were made to be broken.
Tia Tea is a cup of life.
Tiffany What is cheap is most costly.
Timbra Don't pine for the past.
Tipper It takes two to tango.
Tom There's no use crying over spilled milk. File:Tom's Pic NL.png
Truffles The best things in life are free.
Tucker Time makes fossils of us all.
Tutu Even best friends start out as strangers!
Twiggy It's the early bird that catches the worm!
Velma Work smarter, not harder.
Vesta No sweater off my back.
Vic You mess with the bull, you get the horns.
Victoria Don't put the cart before the horse.
Violet Pearls are a pink gorilla's best friend.
Vladimir Trouble never comes alone.
Walker The dog wags his tail, not for you, but for your bread.
Walt Take the good with the bad.
Wart Jr. Age before beauty.
Wendy Every cloud has a silver lining.
Whitney Don't cry wolf unless you mean it.
Willow You can't fight your genes.
Winnie Smile, and the world smiles with you.
Wolfgang Don't be afraid to show your fangs.
Yuka Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Zell Clothes totally make the man.
Zucker There's no such thing as luck.

Special Characters

Character Name Phrase Picture How to Obtain
Blanca Every face tells a story. File:Blanca's Pic NL.png After guessing all the fake villagers on April Fool's Day, she will send her picture in the mail.
Don Resetti Jasmine oil on a mole's head. Enter the Resetti Surveillance Center seven times.
Jingle ??? Successfully deliver all the correct gifts to the villagers on Toy Day, and Jingle will send his picture in the mail.
Katie Life is short and time is swift. After escorting her to a new town, she will send her picture in the mail.
Mr. Resetti Earthquakes, thunder, fires, and fathers. Enter the Resetti Surveillance Center six times.
Zipper T. Bunny Hippity-hoppity wish-wash-whoa! Obtain a Special Ticket in exchange for his picture.
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