User:Teddyroblox/Character species and personality groups (with only 366 characters)

From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki

These are all of the character species and personality groups, discounting characters that are not in this post.

For a list of villagers for each personality, click on one of these links:


There are 6 alligator villagers. 2 are lazy, 1 is snooty, 1 is cranky, 1 is normal, and 1 is a jock. There are no peppy, sisterly, or smug alligators.

Alfonso NH 1.png


There are 6 anteater villagers. 1 is a jock, 2 are peppy, 1 is normal, 1 is cranky, and 1 is smug. There are no lazy, sisterly, or snooty anteaters.

Antonio NH.png


There are 15 bear villagers. 5 are cranky, 2 are smug, 3 are sisterly, 1 is normal, 1 is lazy, 2 are peppy, and 1 is a jock. There are no snooty bears, though Ursala was snooty prior to Welcome amiibo. Additionally, Charlise and Paula were both peppy prior to New Leaf.

Curt NH 1.png


There are 11 bird villagers. 4 are jocks, 1 is lazy, 2 are smug, 1 is normal, 2 are peppy, and 1 is snooty. There are no cranky or sisterly birds.

Jay NH 1.png


Bulls are the male equivalent to cows. There are 6 bull villagers. 3 are cranky, 1 is a jock, and 2 are lazy. There are no smug bulls. Additionally, T-Bone was lazy prior to New Leaf.

Angus NH.png


There are 23 cat villagers. 5 are peppy, 5 are snooty, 3 are lazy, 2 are cranky, 1 is sisterly, 3 are jocks, 3 are normal, and 1 is smug.

Rosie NH 1.png


There are 8 chicken villagers. 1 is a jock, 1 is normal, 2 are snooty, 2 are lazy, 1 is smug, and 1 is cranky. There are no peppy or sisterly chickens.

Goose NH 1.png


Cows are the female equivalent to bulls. There are 3 cow villagers. 2 are snooty and 1 is peppy. There are no normal or sisterly cows.

Naomi NH.png


There are 15 cub villagers. 4 are lazy, 2 are peppy, 1 is snooty, 4 are normal, 2 are jocks, 1 is sisterly, and 1 is cranky. There are no smug cubs.

Stitches NH 1.png


There are 10 deer villagers. 1 is normal, 1 is a jock, 2 are lazy, 1 is cranky, 2 are sisterly, 1 is snooty, and 2 are smug. There are no peppy deer.

Fauna NH 1.png


There are 15 dog villagers. 2 are normal, 6 are lazy, 1 is cranky, 1 is sisterly, 2 are peppy, 1 is a jock, 1 is snooty, and 1 is smug.

Goldie NH 1.png


There are 15 duck villagers. 2 are normal, 2 are jocks, 3 are lazy, 3 are peppy, 4 are snooty, and 1 is smug. There are no cranky or sisterly ducks.

Molly NH 1.png


There are 8 eagle villagers. 3 are cranky, 1 is snooty, 1 is normal, 1 is smug, and 2 are jocks. There are no lazy, peppy, or sisterly eagles.

Apollo NH 1.png


There are 10 elephant villagers. 3 are normal, 1 is a jock, 4 are lazy, and 2 are snooty. There are no cranky, peppy, sisterly, or smug elephants.

Margie NH 1.png


There are 16 frog villagers. 2 are normal, 3 are cranky, 4 are jocks, 1 is sisterly, 1 is snooty, 1 is smug, 3 are lazy, and 1 is peppy.

Lily NH 1.png


There are 7 goat villagers. 2 are normal, 1 is cranky, 1 is smug, 1 is sisterly, 1 is lazy, and 1 is snooty. There are no jock or peppy goats. Additionally, Kidd was lazy prior to New Leaf.

Chevre NH 1.png


There are 7 gorilla villagers. 2 are cranky, 1 is lazy, 1 is a jock, 1 is smug, 1 is sisterly, and 1 is snooty. There are no normal or peppy gorillas, though Violet was peppy prior to City Folk.

Cesar NH 1.png


There are 8 hamster villagers. 1 is a jock, 1 is peppy, 1 is lazy, 1 is normal, 2 are smug, 1 is cranky, and 1 is snooty. There are no sisterly hamsters.

Hamlet NH 2.png


There are 5 hippo villagers. 2 are cranky, 1 is normal, 1 is a jock, and 1 is peppy. There are no lazy, sisterly, smug, or snooty hippos. Additionally, Harry was a jock prior to City Folk.

Rocco NH.png


There are 14 horse villagers. 3 are smug, 1 is snooty, 1 is a jock, 3 are lazy, 2 are normal, 1 is sisterly, 1 is cranky, and 2 are peppy. Additionally, Ed was a jock prior to New Leaf.

Colton NH 2.png


There are 7 kangaroo villagers. 2 are normal, 2 are snooty, 2 are cranky, and 1 is sisterly. There are no jock, lazy, peppy, or smug kangaroos. Additionally, Sylvia was snooty prior to New Leaf.

Kitt NH 1.png


There are 8 koala villagers. 3 are normal, 1 is sisterly, 1 is smug, 1 is a jock, 1 is lazy, and 1 is snooty. There are no cranky or peppy koalas.

Melba NH 1.png


All of the lions are males. There are 5 lion villagers. 3 are jocks, 1 is cranky, and 1 is smug. There are no lazy lions.

Bud NH.png


There are 7 monkey villagers. 1 is sisterly, 2 are lazy, 1 is snooty, 1 is cranky, 1 is normal, and 1 is peppy. There are no jock or smug monkeys.

Shari NH.png


There are 15 mouse villagers. 3 are jocks, 4 are peppy, 2 are normal, 2 are snooty, 1 is lazy, 1 is smug, and 2 are cranky. There are no sisterly mice.

Rod NH 1.png


There are 3 octopus villagers. 1 is cranky, 1 is normal, and 1 is lazy. There are no jock, lazy, sisterly, smug, or snooty octopuses.

Octavian NH 1.png


There are 7 ostrich villagers. 1 is normal, 2 are snooty, 1 is lazy, 1 is peppy, 1 is smug, and 1 is sisterly. There are no cranky or jock ostriches.

Gladys NH 1.png


There are 13 penguin villagers. 1 is normal, 4 are lazy, 1 is sisterly, 2 are snooty, 1 is cranky, 2 are jocks, 1 is peppy, and 1 is smug.

Aurora NH 2.png


There are 14 pig villagers. 2 are peppy, 1 is sisterly, 2 are cranky, 1 is smug, 3 are jocks, 3 are normal, 1 is lazy, and 1 is snooty.

Truffles NH 1.png


There are 20 rabbit villagers. 8 are peppy, 4 are lazy, 1 is normal, 2 are snooty, 1 is cranky, 2 are jocks, 1 is sisterly, and 1 is smug. Additionally, O'Hare was cranky prior to New Leaf.

Bunnie NH 2.png


There are 5 rhino villagers. 1 is a jock, 1 is lazy, 2 are normal, and 1 is sisterly. There are no cranky, peppy, smug, or snooty rhinos.

Tank NH 3.png


There are 13 sheep villagers. 3 are normal, 4 are snooty, 2 are smug, 1 is a jock, 2 are sisterly, and 1 is peppy. There are no cranky or lazy sheep, though Curlos was cranky prior to New Leaf.

Vesta NH 1.png


There are 18 squirrel villagers. 3 are peppy, 4 are snooty, 5 are normal, 1 is lazy, 1 is sisterly, 1 is smug, 2 are cranky, and 1 is a jock.

Peanut NH 1.png


There are 6 tiger villagers. 2 are jocks, 2 are peppy, 1 is snooty, and 1 is cranky. There are no lazy, normal, sisterly, or smug tigers. Additionally, Rowan was cranky prior to Wild World.

Rowan NH 1.png


There are 11 wolf villagers. 5 are cranky, 1 is peppy, 3 are snooty, 1 is smug, and 1 is normal. There are no jock, lazy, or sisterly wolves, though Dobie was lazy prior to Welcome amiibo.

Fang NH 1.png

Special Characters

Along with 160 villagers, there are 6 special characters. Brewster and Jack both have the voice of a cranky villager, Grams and Phyllis both have the voice of a sisterly villager, Jingle has the voice of a lazy villager, and Luna has the voice of a snooty villager.

Brewster NLWa.png