
From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki
Revision as of 23:56, November 17, 2014 by WilliamLC (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Hi, my name is William. I'm an administrator over at ZeldaWiki. I'm on my 3DS right now, so I'll get to fixing this up next time I get to a computer. I h...")
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Hi, my name is William. I'm an administrator over at ZeldaWiki. I'm on my 3DS right now, so I'll get to fixing this up next time I get to a computer. I have ACNL and I'd like to play with more people online. My town's name is Hyrule, and my main export is Perfect Cherries. Hit me up on my talk page if you'd like to trade friend codes or form a trade relationship with me. Thanks for reading, Infobox, etc. coming soon.