Mr. Resetti/City Folk Dialogue

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< Mr. Resetti
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In Animal Crossing: City Folk, Mr. Resetti or Don Resetti can visit the player. For the dialogues for Animal Crossing: City Folk, see below.


The second time the game is played, Resetti will appear whether the game was saved or not the first time:

Hey, how ya doin'?  Listen, lemme just bend your ear for a bit here. Ahem...  Lemme introduce myself.  Name's Resetti.  Mr. Resetti.

If the player started Animal Crossing: City Folk:

Uh, yeah, so anyway, this is Animal Crossing: City Folk.  Thanks for pickin'
   it up.  Appreciate the support.
So, on behalf of everyone at Nintendo, I...  Uh...
Yeah...  So...  I mean, I, uh...

If the player moved from Animal Crossing: Wild World:

You...  You and me ain't met before?  Yeah, whatever.
So, yeah, lemme see...  The manual says I gotta thank ya for buyin' Animal
   Crossing: Wild World.
Played ya some DS, huh?  Nice.  So, uh, thanks for getting' Animal Crossing:
   City Folk, too.  Solid work.
On behalf of everyone at Nintendo, I...   Uh...I...  I...  Think, mole, THINK!  What's the middle part?  Uh...

Aw, forget all that!  I'm done wastin' time!
Oh, hey, sorry about that.  No need to panic, all right?
People been tellin' me for years that I got a way of scarin' folks...
Yeah, I just don't get that.  I mean, I ain't exactly the welcome mole, but
   I'm a friendly guy, am I right?
Anyway, let's you and me get down to business, whaddaya say?
Here's the thing:  I got a little favor to ask ya.
So maybe Tom Nook already gave ya his song and dance, but listen...
There's a right way and a wrong way to end your time in Animal Crossing.  You,
   uh, followin' me?
Simple, right?  Ya just grab some Zs in your attic bed, no prob.
Or, if ya wanna switch it up, ya press the "Save" Button and WHAM!  Same deal.
Either way works.  Meetin' me like this?  What we're doin' right here?  It
   means you been endin' your game right.
Yeah, you keep up the good work, bright eyes.
"Oh, waaah, but what if I WANNA press the RESET Button?" ya ask.  "What if I
   WANNA go to the Wii Menu?"
"Mr. Resetti, ain't that my own right as a player?"  Yeah, yeah, kid, I hear
   ya.  I get what you're sayin'.
But for THIS game, might I strongly suggest ya play without resettin'?  We
   clear here?  STRONGLY suggest.
...Aw, look at me go, right?  Ol' Mr. Resetti's gone on a rant again.
Look, sorry.  Sorry, OK?  You maybe noticed I ain't so good at keepin' things
   brief.  I'll letcha off now.

But know this, friend of mine.  Ya ever reset, I'll be swingin' by again for a
   little chat with ya.
But know this, friend of mine.  Ya ever reset durin' a moment of weakness, I'll
   be comin' by for a chat.

I'm sure you're tied of hearin' this by now, but it's my job to keep ya honest.
   My JOB, kid.

First Dialogue

Ah, so it's you...
Oh, I ain't surprised, kid.  Nah, I had a feelin' in my gut you'd pull a stunt
   like this.  The gut don't lie.
I can see ya thinkin' furiously over there, right?  "How'd that sly mole catch
   me?  Is he a ninja?"
No ninja.  Nah, over at the Reset Center, we got us a switchboard that lights
   up when someone resets.
No magic, no ninjas.  Just the way of the world.  Bad deeds don't go unpunished
   for long, get me, kid?
But hey, even a bright kid like you makes mistakes, am I right?  Or heck, maybe
   ya just misheard me.
Yeah, so today I'll just run down the basics for ya again, hopin' deeply that
   they sink in this time.
Ya still remember my whole speech about the right way to end your time in
   Animal Crossing, right?
Right.  Ya either sleep in the attic bed, or ya hit that save button.  Either
   way's just peachy by me.
Look atcha, noddin'.  Ya do remember.  Maybe try usin' that noodle to remember
   the rest of my advice, huh?
Listen good, (Player).  Ya live life, and all that time ya spend, that's what
   becomes your memories.
Memories are precious, kid.  And same goes for your time in Animal Crossing.
   Every second is precious.
Now, since everythin' is so precious, don'tcha wanna make sure ya preserve
   those precious moments?
There ain't no bigger waste than just throwin' away a whole page of memories
   just like that.
That's why I want ya to make sure ya save before quittin'.  Simple enough,
   ain't it, kid?
Wonderful.  Helpin' kids like yourself see the light makes me a happy mole.
   I'm ecstatic over here.
Now, allow me to hammer this message home so it stays in that brain of yours.
You can save your game by catching some Zs in the attic bed, or by pressin' the
   save button, OK, kid?
Don't forget it!  Now...

Second Dialogue

Aw, YOU again...
Huh.  Guess that chat we had didn't sink in, huh?
Let's put on our thinkin' helmets, huh?  Yeah, let's.  Now, in everyday life,
   how often do ya get to reset?
Say ya fail a test or somethin'.  Can ya travel back in time and take the thing
   over?  Huh?  Can ya?
Or wait, how about this?  Say ya oversleep, right?  Can ya wind back that clock
   and wake up on time?
Ya can't, huh.  YEAH.
It's just common sense, professor.  There ain't no do-overs in life.
Now, in games, the rules might be a little different.  Some games might be soft
   on ya and letcha reset.
But think on it, (Player).  Reset all ya want, ya ain't never gonna get back all
   that time ya spent...
Ya gonna go runnin' to reset just 'cause your breakfast came late one day in
   [town name]?
Don't make me laugh, kid!  Here's a news flash for ya!  You're playin' a game
And since you're playin' a game, it ain't hard to take the bad with the good
   and keep on rollin', yeah?
Look, here's what I'm gettin' at, (Player)...
Ya can't spend your life resettin' over and over just to get your mitts on some
   item you like or whatever.
Likewise, only crybabies would start their day over just 'cause they had a
   little rough spot during their day.
Ya ain't in Mrs. Quitter's School for Resettin' Babies no more.  It's time ya
   graduated, kid...
I bet you're wonderin' if this mole's jaw ever runs outta yappin' power, yeah?
All right, I can take a hint.  My throat's feelin' like it's half past a
   lozenge, anyway.
Besides, I may be a mole, but I ain't blind.  I see you're pooped, so I'll end
   my little speech right here.
Just promise me, OK, kid?  For cryin' out loud, save before ya end your game.
   ...Got me?  Good.
Oh yeah, and one more thing, just in case the message didn't get across in
AVE-SAY, UNK-PAY!That's right, kid, I know pig Latin!  Hopefully that'll stick in your head!

Third Dialogue

.........Ya just don't give up, do ya, punk?
Tell me somethin'.  You the forgetful type?  Or do ya just do this to torment
Hey, ya slip up once or twice, I get it, it's fine.  I ain't made of stone.
   Maybe ya got distracted.
But this here, kid...  This is your THIRD reminder.
If ya DIDN'T do it on purpose this time, I think it may be time to see a doctor
   or somethin'!
Listen.  When ya suddenly quit, that gets flagged as a RESET, and a guy YELLS
   in my EAR on the PHONE.
If you're gonna wrap it up for the day, do the right thing and save, will ya?
Ya thank the cook after chow, right?  And before ya go home, ya say good-bye?
   It ain't no different here.
Or maybe you're the type of guy that don't got no social graces, hmm?
Yeah, I hear that's a big problem with kids today.  Saw some bigwig goin' on
   about it in the papers.
Well, listen, kid, them social graces are a fundamental part of communicatin'!
And ya can't even do that...  ...Look, I don't wanna belabor the point or
   nothin'.  We're done here.
But seriously, (Player)...  Ya know baseball?  Ya know that one rule?  The three-
   strikes-you're-out one?
I'm a generous guy, but I got a breakin' point.  Strike out enough, and I lose
   it.  I lose it BIG.
But, hey, lotsa guys hit a home run after strikin' out, don't they?  Yeah, yeah.
I believe in ya, [name].  Next time ya step up to bat, make sure ya hit it
   outta the park.  Now...

The doc's been tellin' me it ain't good to blow my stack so much, so I held
   back today.  Remember that. Now... SCRAM!

Fourth Dialogue

.........Cripes, do ya ever learn, kid?
.........  ......Phew......  ...............
Man, been a while since I had to yell like that.  I'm seein' spots over here.
I'm startin' to think I ain't never met someone with a melon as hard as yours,
   but that won't stop this mole!
Look...  Let's forget about other games for a sec, huh?  See, we're talkin'
   about Animal Crossing: City Folk.
It's unique, kid.  And as such, I get sent here to suggest that ya hold off on
   frivolous resettin'.
And then, uh...  Oh yeah, then I tell ya about how there's no resettin' in real
And sure, you're probably all bent now, wonderin' why some mole's gotta yell
   atcha while you're playin'.
Well, games got rules, kid, so excuse me if I ask ya to get unbent, and quick.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm mostly like that one company prez who just wants
   to make folks smile...
But when that reset alarm starts ringin', I could be in the shower, sittin'
   down to eat, sleepin'...
It don't matter!  When it goes off, I gotta get up and go stick it to whatever
   punk just pressed that button.
You probably can't tell, but I'm wearin' a T-shirt for undies under here!
   Think it feels good?!
Whatever.  I think ya got somethin' to chew on now.  Heard me?  Quit resettin'!
   Got that?  Good.
Oh yeah, one more nugget of advice for ya.
If you're gonna take a bath, make sure ya get the water up to your shoulders,
   ya grubby little potato!
...Of course, it don't do no good if ya don't scrub, too.  Anyway, I said my
   piece.  Now...SCRAM!

Fifth Dialogue

Don Resetti will appear this time instead of Mr. Resetti.

Whoa, what's the deal with all that noise?!  I mean, come ON!  It's unsettlin'!
OK, right, anyway, nice to meetcha and all that jazz.  I'm Resetti's big
   brother.  The name's Don.
Listen, straight off, I know my little brother can be a real pain.  Thanks for
   puttin' up with him.
Today, Sonny, he's at home takin' it easy.  Kid's got high blood pressure.
   Musta worked himself up good...
So yeah, I'm uh, fillin' in for him.  For clearin' out a little time to chat
   with me, you got my thanks.
So yeah, lemme start from the top.  I hear our Sonny has been poppin' up all
   over the place an' yellin'.
Yeah, generally givin' good people the business, am I right?  For this, the
   Resetti family is full of regret.
I know I'm his brother and all, but trust me when I tell ya, Sonny's a good
   egg.  Despite his, uh, behavior.
The guy's passionate about what he does, ya know?  All his yappin' is his way
   of showin' tough love...
I mean, hey, if he was just lookin' to make nice, he could turn a blind eye
   when people screw up, right?
But then nobody learns nothin'...
Let's move on.  What I'm tryin' to make clear here is, Sonny?  He does all that
   yellin' 'cause he cares.
The guy...  He just ain't one to mince words, you know?  An uncompromisin' sort
   of mole, yeah.
And he ain't no kind of smooth talker, neither, so he can SOUND mean even
   though he really ain't.
My point bein' this:  the guy might seem nasty, but he's a good mole at heart.
   So cut him some slack, yeah?
Aw, what' wrong with me?  I almost forgot.  It'll be my moleskin if I don't
   take care of business...
All right, here goes nothin'.  Ahem.  AHEM.  Me-ma-mole.
Uh...  Resettin' ain't good.  So, don't do it, (Player)!
There.  Hope ya learned a lesson.  I'd advise followin' this advice, kid...for
   your own good, ya know?
...OK, we're good here.  That should do it.  Now if ya don't mind, I should be
   gettin' back.  Be good.
See ya!

Sixth Dialogue

Resetti will return after the player's sixth reset. However, they will need to answer questions this time.

...Huh?  Where's he/she at?
Pffft...  There we go...
Yeah, I had a hunch it was gonna be you.  Guess I'm a psychic now.
I just got over a cold, ya know.  And here I am, tunnelin' all over to find ya.
   Fun times.
But ya just don't quit.  Nah.  And ya ain't hearin' me.
Or maybe ya DID hear me, but ya just, I dunno, don't see what the big deal is.
   Just bounces right off ya.
(Player), I could tell ya it's your game, play how ya like, but don't ya get what
   I been sayin'?
Ain't there some merit in loosenin' up a little and just playin' for fun?  Ya
   know, come what may?
How about ya give that whole "reset, reset" thing a rest and save your game a
   little more often, yeah?
Even if things don't always go perfect for ya, THAT'S THE GAME, get me?  Take
   it as it comes and have fun...
...Ya followin' me?
Bottom line, if ya just quit with the resettin'...
I wouldn't have to keep comin' down here to read ya the riot act!
Ya ain't the only one tired of this, ya know.  Comin' out every time ya do it
   is burnin' me out.  Think on it.
I mean, use your melon.  Every time I come out here, I gotta burrow through
   solid earth, professor.
How about ya fix that bad habit of yours so we can stop wastin' each other's
   time, huh, kid?
Quit resettin'.  Got it this time?  Crystal clear, right?

(select "Huh?")
OK, fine, that's how it is!  Guess I just gotta take everythin' we just talked
   about, and say it AGAIN!That whatcha want, punk?  Man, I am sick and tired of givin' you this speech!

(You will need to repeat it.)

(select "I get it.")
Phew!  Long as ya got the message, we're don here.
But I'm beggin' ya, kid.  Don't make me come out here to do this again!
Oh, and one more bit of advice for the road...
Brush those furry teeth!
We clear here?  OK then...

Seventh Dialogue

After the player's seventh reset, the screen will be black after Resetti says "Sound good, ya little punk?  Ready to start all over?! SEE YA, KID!" This is a prank on Resetti's part, and does not count as an actual reset.

How many times do I gotta do this?!
Hehhhh...  Hooof...  Heeee...  ......
OK, (Player), this is it!  Ya wanna go?  We're goin'!  Today is the day I put on
   my unhappy hat.
I know EXACTLY whatcha think about our little situation.  Oh yeah, I got your
   number now, punk.
Here's the deal:  I give up.  Reset, don't reset, I don't care.  It's your
That's right, kid, you're free to decide.  Free as some big, cheatin' bird!
Honest, I give up.  I'm tired of diggin' out here and back over and over.
I can see it in those eyes.  Ya wanna reset, don't ya?  Ya LOVE doin' it.
Well, lemme help ya out, if ya want it so bad.  Sure, I'll just do it FOR ya!
Ya can't see it from where you're sittin', but I got a Wii Remote right here in
   a little holster.
So, whaddaya say I just grab that bad boy and wiiiipe the slate clean?  We'll
   forget EVERYTHIN'.
Sound good, ya little punk?  Ready to start all over?!

(screen goes black)

How'd ya like that, huh?!  Did I scare ya, punk?  Heh heh heh heh heh.
Remember it, [name].  Next time, I might be out to do more than just give ya a
   little scare.
Keep actin' up, and things could get real tough for ya.  So, change that tune.
   And I mean quick.
Anyway, I'm done with this.  Ya gonna stop resettin'?  Yeah?  Clear enough,
(select "I get it.")

(select "Huh?")

Good.  I gave the message, ya got the message, and we got no more business.
But use your head, kid.  Don't make me come out here again, I'm beggin' ya.
Oh, and before I go...
Wear your wrist strap!  THIS mole sure does!  Now...

Eighth Dialogue

After the player's eighth reset, they may need to repeat what Resetti says.

Hurff...  Hurff...
I can't remember how many times I've had to yap my jaw off here.  But ya just
   keep at it...
This time it was on purpose, wasn't it?  Ya reached over with a little grin
   and reset, didn't ya?
Well, ya got me at a loss for words, kid.  Ain't nothin' in the manual for
   dealin' with the likes of you.
You're a repeat offender, kid.  And today ya just reset for kicks, I just know
Huh?  Ya sayin' ya didn't?  I'm wrong?
Right, punk, whatever.  It don't matter now, anyhow.
I don't stop, kid.  I'm gonna keep comin' and tellin' ya what's what 'til ya
   decide to give this stuff a rest.
OK...  Let's forget about other games for a sec.  See, here's how it is here in
   Animal Crossing: City Folk.
I been sent here to suggest that ya hold off on the frivolous resettin'.  ...OK,
   we covered that.
Then, uh...  Oh yeah, I told ya about how there's no resettin' in real life...
   Yeah, got that, too.
Then ya cry about it and tell me it's your right to reset.  And I tell ya, I
   get what you're sayin', but...
Then I reiterate that the rules for this game are different and that ya gotta
   wrap your head around it.
I covered ALL that stuff, so what's the next step?  Uh...
Oh yeah, I go back into the bit about no resettin' in real life, that's good
...Yeah, I think that's next.  OK, here we go.  Uh...
Think about life, kid.  LIFE.  Ain't no do-overs, nope, and there ain't no...
Quit it with the button pressin'!
Hefff, haaaarrf, hooooof...  Can't ya sit still for one minute, Mr.
Got any idea how many times ya hit that button since I started talkin'?  Huh?
   Wanna know?
(select "Not really.")

(select "Tell me!")

"Not really?"  What is that?
Ya pressed that thing XXX times!
And it ain't MY fault!  If ya don't like hearin' all this, all ya gotta do is
   give the resettin' a rest!
I'm outta patience, kid!  I ain't goin' nowhere 'til ya realize ya been doin'
   wrong and STOP!
So...  Where do we go from here, huh?
I could sit around askin' if ya get it all day long.  But that's just in one
   ear and out the other with ya, huh?
Hmmm...  Oh yeah, I got it!  Here's how this is gonna go, kid.
You noddin' your head ain't gonna cut it this time.  Nah, you're gonna repeat
   after me, punk!
And if ya mess up, we'll just start over!  Fun, right?  Yeah...  Well, here we
   go.  Perk up them ears!
Ya listenin'?  Here goes.
Lemme hear ya say this:

"Moles rule!"

Do it, kid. Do it!

Say it!
(Type what's between the quotes with exact capitalization and punctuation.)
If you typed correctly:

Good stuff!  I can tell ya believe it deep down, kid.
Don't forget them words!
OK then.  So long as ya get the big picture, we ain't gotta do this no more.
But c'mon, kid.  I'm beggin'.  Don't make me do this again!  You're sick of it,
   I'm sick of it, we're sick of it.
Oh, but one last thing...
Go to bed early!  Now...

Ninth Dialogue

The ninth reset is very similar to the eighth reset, but may include an alternate ending.

HEYYYY!  (Player)!
Again with this?  Ya don't stop!
Haaaaaaaff...  Hoooooooff...  ......
...Here we are.  Again.
How many other ways can I say it?  What do I gotta do to make this stick, huh?
OK, (Player), I'm calm.  I probably said this before, but look alive, cause
   you're gettin' it again.
Let's talk about erasin' the past just 'cause ya didn't like what happened...
Or pretendin' somethin' didn't happen just 'cause it didn't go your way...
Attitudes like that are everywhere nowadays, and spreadin' all the time.
But it ain't right, kid.  It ain't.  Ever think of just tryin' to take things
   as they come?  Huh?
Look, next time ya feel the need to reset, take a deep breath and think about
   what it says about ya.
And maybe, just maybe you'll see the light and stop resettin'.  Do that, and
   you and me are golden.
I know ya ain't fond of our little chats, but I'm doin' it for you, kid.
   That's how much this mole cares.
Face it, if I didn't care, I'd just show up, hack out a word or two like it was
   no big deal, and leave...
first ending:

Speakin' of, ya know how some girls'll tell ya, "Oh, that sounds fun, take me
   there sometime"?
So, WHEN is "sometime"?  Don't just toss that out there!  I'm tryin' to pencil
   ya into my calendar here!
...Of course, that ain't got nothin' to do with this, so I'm gonna shut my yap.
Anyhow, quit it with all that resettin', OK?
Now...  We're gonna do like we did before.  This time a simple reply ain't
   gonna do.
Your job's to repeat after me, kid!
And if ya mess up, we get to start over!  Fun, huh?  So, uh...  Yeah, here we
   go.  Perk up them ears!
Ready?  Here we go.
I wanna hear ya say this:

"I love saving!"
"Up with saving!"

Knock me out, kid!

Say it!
(Type what's between the quotes with exact capitalization and punctuation.)

(If you typed incorrectly:)
That ain't gonna cut the mustard, kid.  All WRONG.  Guess we gotta do it again!
Ready?  Here we go.

(If you typed incorrectly again:)
What, ya figured you'd screw it up anyway, so ya just blurted somethin' out,
   am I right?
Keep it up, kid.  Yeah, keep it up and we ain't NEVER getting' outta here.
How about ya quit screwin' around and just say what you're told, [name], huh?
Ready?  Here we go.

(If you typed correctly:)
Solid work, kid.  Straight from the heart, right?
Now don't go forgettin' whatcha just said!
We're good then.  So long as ya see the big picture, we're done with business.
But I'm beggin' ya, kid.  For the luvva dirt, don't make me come out here no
Oh, and one more thing...
Quit it already!  You're ruinin' my nerves!  Now...
alternate ending:

Speakin' of which, I just hate it when folks say stuff they don't mean.  Stuff
   like, "Let's do lunch sometime!"
What does that MEAN?!  Don't tell me "sometime"!  I'm openin' up time in my
   schedule for ya, bozo!
...Uh, yeah, got a little off message here, so I'm gonna wrap this up.
Bottom line is, I said what I had to say.  Ya don't reset no more, yeah?  Ya
   got it?  Ya clear?

select "I get it."
Well, ain't that a mercy.  Ya got the message, so we don't gotta go round and
   round again.

select "Huh?"
It that's how it is, then I guess I gotta check my notes on what I just said
   and say it one more time!
That sound good, ya punk?  Man, I'm runnin' out of junk to say over here!

But kid...  I'm pleadin'.  Please, please, don't make me come out here no more!
Oh, and one more bit of advice for the road...
If ya plan a lunch, ya don't miss that lunch!  Now...SCRAM!

Tenth Dialogue

After this reset, there are no new dialogues.

Hey, over there.  You, kid.  Yeah, I mean YOU with the face right there.
Yeah, you.  Come on, of course I mean you, punk.  Ya see anyone else around
   here, (name)?
You're a real piece of work, kid, ya know that...?
Ya don't regret your behavior one teeensy little bit, huh?
Don't play innocent with me!  Ya know EXACTLY what I mean.
Resettin', professor!  I'm talkin' about the way ya keep resettin'!
And ya just keep doin' it!  Even after I told ya I'm only givin' ya the
   business 'cause I care!
I know ya got rights, kid.  You're the one playin', so ya get to reset if ya
   want.  I get it.  I accept it.
In fact, reset whenever ya want!  Forget about all the yellin' I been doin'.
   Forget it ever happened.
I promise, from now on I'll keep a cool head when I talk at ya.  I'm sorry.
   I'm Mr. Nice Mole now.
Yeah, yeah, here we go...
Say there, friend of mine, ya ever stop to think about resettin'?  Just mull
   it over once in a while?
I mean...  Who hasn't, right?  There ain't nothin' wrong with it or anythin'.
Think of it is, I, uh, happened to notice ya been resettin' real regular-like.
Ya know, to me, doin' that is real, uh...  How to put it...  It's like...
Ya know...  It's, uh, this...
Hey completely different topic, but how's life, huh?  Recently, I mean.
Doin' good, I bet.  High on the hog, right?  Not for this mole, though.  Nah,
   things ain't been so good...
Can't really get into no details right now, but let's just say I'm ready for a
   vacation, ya know?
So, yeah, by the way...  How's everyone doin'?  They, uh...doin' good?
   Everyone, I mean?
So, yeah...
Ya get my point...right?  Uh, I mean...  I made myself completely clear, yeah?

I can't take talkin' all nice and proper like that.  Makes me wanna yell at the
   mole in the mirror!
C'mere.  Look at my arm, will ya?  Talkin' all stiff like that gave me goose
   bumps!  Goose bumps on a mole!

I can't stand talkin' all nice and proper like that.  Makes me wanna give
   myself a wedgie!
Look at my arm!  See that?  It happened again!  Talkin' all polite gave me
   goose bumps!  Believe that?
first ending:

Creeped ya out, too, right?  Ya don't want me to do that no more, right?
Then ya know how it goes.  Stop resettin'!  Got it?  Are we crystal clear this
Seriously now, don't let me down!  Let's make this the LAST time, OK, kid?
Good.  Now, just so ya know, if we gotta meet up again like this, I'm gonna
   stick it to ya like always.
Oh, and I got one more tidbit of advice for ya.
Recycle, will ya?!  Now...
alternate ending:

Creeped ya out, too, right?  Ya don't want me to do that no more, right?
Then ya know how it goes.  Stop resettin'!  Got it?  Are we crystal clear this
OK then, show me just how sorry ya are about all the resettin'.  Give it to me
   straight, kid!
Go on. Communicate the subtle nuances of how you're feelin' to me.  Capture the
Oh, and just to remind ya, lyin' ain't no good, so don't even think about it!
I just wanna know exactly how you're feelin' at this moment.  That's all.
If what you're sayin' jives with me, I'll let ya off the hook.  Sound good?
OK, let's get into it. (or) OK, let's get it done.
How sorry are ya?
(keep bar halfway between "Soooooo sorry." and "Ridiculously sorry.")

or(keep bar halfway between "Ludicrously sorry." and "Crazy sorry.")

...Ya put it practically in the very middle!  That don't say much of anythin',
   now, does it?
Yeah, that looks like a bunch of wishy-washiness to me...
Sorry, kid, but that answer don't do it for me...
Gotta do it again, kid.  Let's go!  How sorry, huh? or Gonna have to do it
   again.  Go time!  How sorry now?
(select "So dang sorry.")

or(select "Super sorry.")

Ya know...  Somethin' about your answer sounds fake.
Are ya REALLY all that sorry now?
Real regret ain't quite so emphatic, no way!  Your answer still ain't comin'
   from the heart.
Sorry, punk, but that answer didn't move me one little iota.
Gotta do it again, kid.  Let's go!  How sorry, huh? (or) Gonna have to do it
   again.  Go time!  How sorry now?

(select "Quite sorry.")
(select "Super-duper sorry.")
...What the heck's THAT supposed to mean?  And here I thought ya were sorry!
   Don't look like it!
I mean, everyone feels sorry in a different way, but that's awful one-sided.
Feelin' sorry ain't that simple!  There's supposed to be all these different
   nuances in there, yeah?
You hear me?  Show me nuances!  Mixed feelin's!
Gotta do it again, kid.  Let's go!  How sorry, huh? (or) Gonna have to do it
   again.  Go time!  How sorry now?
(move the bar toward "So dang sorry.")

(move the bar toward "Super-duper sorry.")
Hmm...  Ah...  Really, now...
Well, if that's how ya feel...  Huh, guess I can believe it.
OK, fair's fair.  I'll overlook the incident...this time!
Now, with the way I been pushin' this, I figure ya know by now, but SAVE BEFORE
   YA QUIT!  OK?
Good.  Now, just so ya know, if we meet up again like this, I'm gonna stick it
   to ya like always.
Oh yeah, and I got one more nugget of advice...
Don't bother usin' words that don't suit ya!  Now...

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