From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki
Revision as of 16:24, December 25, 2015 by RDSP (talk | contribs)

Hello! How you ended up here is beyond my knowledge but here's some information about my Animal Crossing: New Leaf town:


  • Quillson - 'tis pitiful that he's in my town... He hasn't even asked to leave yet...
  • Carmen - She's supposedly nice but she's been critical of me a lot. She moved in a while ago, in early December.

Moved out

  • Anchovy - It was kind of sad to let him leave but at least it gives me a space to get another villager... Moved out on December 22, 2015, which was Quillson's birthday AND the day that the Nooklings store was closed for turning into T.I.Y.

More coming soon

Make use of your time and find somewhere to edit.