Cranky/New Horizons dialogue

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< Cranky
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Island Touring



About sick villagers

  • "I'm not one for gossipin', but... did you hear that <Villager> is feelin' sick? I'm only sharin' because I think <she/he>'d really appreciate a visit, and maybe a nice cup of hot cider."

Season Specific



  • "Should I just give it to 'em straight, or walk away? I'm in a real pickle! Oh, hey there! Sorry, kiddo. I've got an actual conundrum on my plate right now. Let's talk later."
  • "Hm... Ooh, it boggles the mind.. Gah! You just derailed my train of thought, kiddo! It was on a real weird track too..."
  • "Nope, I've never liked <dessert> and I never will... Oh! Sorry, kiddo. You just caught me in a deep thought there. Gahaha!"


  • "Alright. Listen up, kiddo. I'm gonna learn you an important lesson. Convenience is overrated! (Branches into several different possible follow-ups)

- "Like this whole email thingy. Oh, goodie, you can send a picture of a smiley face through the ethernet! In my day, if you wanted to talk to someone, you had to walk over to their house and shout at them! Or you could always write an angry letter and tape it to their buggy when they weren't lookin'... Whaddaya mean, how old am I?"


First time seen with wasp stings

  • "Is your face alright? 'Cause that sure looks like it must smart. You gotta be careful around them sneaky wasps! Here, take a dash of this medicine. It'll clear that right up. Unless... Is swollen face in style these days? Well, I hope you learned something from all this. Try to not let it happen again."

Visiting their home

  • "Don't be lookin' for any dust, now. 'Cause you're liable to find it!"
  • "I believe this is what the kids call a "man cave," right?"
  • "I like to soak my achin' bones in my <bath item>. Most days, it really helps. And after a warm bath, chugging down a nice <drink> is just the best!"
  • "I refuse to compromise on sleepin' comfort. You can probably tell that from my <bed item>. Before this one, I used to toss and turn half the night. you gotta make sure an' choose your bed carefully."

Villager is fishing

  • "I got a good feelin' about this. Gonna catch a big one today!"
  • "Come ON... Don't wanna go home with nothin' to show for my effort..."
  • "This is really janglin' up my nerves... Tickin' me off something fierce too!"

Player is holding a ladder

  • "Usin' that to go explorin'? Those come in handy for scramblin' up and down cliffs. Just make sure to be careful about it, <catchphrase>. If you aren't on stable ground it can wobble, and that's dangerous!"

Player is holding vaulting pole

  • "Look at you with your vaultin' pole! Ain't no river stoppin' you today. Must be a blast to vault yourself around like that. I know I'd leap at the chance to try it, <catchphrase>.

Comment about player burying bells

  • "Are you OK, <Player>? 'Cause I heard you were seen buryin' some cash yesterday, <catchphrase>! Don't worry, I ain't gonna dig it up or nothin'. I just wanna make sure you can really afford to lose the Bells...

Nearby food item outside

  • "A <food item>...Someone's been cookin' alfresco! There's somethin' special about a meal grilled up outdoors..."


  • "Thinkin' I might do some shoppin'. Wait, store aint' closed today, right? Hope not. That'd throw off my plans."



Response to being mailed a gift

  • How are ya, <Player>?

Dunno what I did to earn a gift from ya, but I like it all the same. Hey, random question. Do I seem like the sorta crank who'd call his letters "missives"? Sure hope not! You get what I mean, right?

Gotta go now, <Cranky>

  • How are ya, <Player>?

Thanks for the letter and the gift too. Real darn nice! Just sittin' here thinkin' about how my hometown had a lotta trains, but no tracks. What was that about? Gahaha! I crack myself up.

Whatever. Bye. -<Cranky>

Mailed furniture that they have already

  • To my insightful pal <player>,

So, I really appreciate the thought you put into that furniture you sent over, but it turns out I already own somethin' just like it! At least you know what I like! Hope you don't already have what I'm sendin' you!

I still like it. -<Cranky>

When player's inventory is full during gift back

  • You're the best, <Player>!

Just wanted to say thanks again! Along with this note, I'm sendin' the thank-you gift you didn't have a free hand to carry home then. Hope it's somethin' you like, after I made you wait like this for it...

Take care now. - <Cranky>

  • You're swell, <Player>!

Thanks again for what you did for me! You're alright, you know that? Ain't used to feelin' warm 'n fuzzy. I'm sendin' along that gift you didn't have a free hand to carry, and my gratitude along with it.

Still all fuzzy, <Cranky>

Response to house upgrade

  • To the go-getter <Player>,

You added onto your place again? You're outta control, kiddo! Ah, I'm just messin' with you. To help you celebrate your addition, here's a li'l gift you can maybe use to help decorate that new room!

I chose it for you. -<Cranky>

Letters sent due to high friendship

  • <Player>!

They say you should always put yer best foot forward. So, kiddo, I got a little somethin' for those dogs of yours. I think they'll look real sharp on ya. Sizewise, I took a guess. But try 'em on. I bet they fit!

Keep on keepin' on. <Cranky>

  • Hey there, <Player>!

How's life treatin' you these days? It just seemed like a good time to write you a note and check in. I know I might be grumpy from time to time, but I'm really rootin' hard for you, kiddo.

Sincerely, <Cranky>

  • How ya doin', <Player>?

I couldn't help but notice you've been workin' mighty hard lately. Way I see it, you deserve a proper thank you. So I sent ya a present! Try it on...and try to relax a bit. You deserve it, kiddo!

So long for now. -<Cranky>

  • Say, <Player>...

You keepin' yourself healthy these days? You gotta be strong if you wanna go toe-to-toe with me! And to get strong, you gotta recover well. And that means watchin' plenty of TV and loungin' around.

Get to it! Sincerely, <Cranky>