Snowboy/Animal Crossing dialogue

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The following is a list of dialogue said by snowmen in Animal Crossing.

Built perfectly

"Yaaahooooo! You did it! You pulled it off! What a wonder you've built! A wintry masterpiece! A frozen classic for the ages! I'm a work of art! Snow Man! From chilly sky to earth... From freezing flakes to ball... Formless, friendless, frozen... Until you heard my call!"
"YES!! Sweet, precious life! I've been perfectly molded! No complaints here! No, sir! And you! You're an artist! They should call YOU "Snowman," because you work ice-coldーno mistakes!"
"What color! What luster! What shapeliness! Every bit of my form, so much more than simply average! Beneath your simple exterior, there obviously beats the heart of a true master!"

Built well

"Hmmm... Yes. Well, I suppose this is the best you can expect from a novice snowsmith. This isn't exactly what I'd call a traditional shape, but, I... I suppose I should thank you all the same."
"Oooh! So close! If you'd put a little more thought into balance, I would've been a snowman to sing songs about! Oh, well. As they say: "Beauty's only crust deep!""
"Many thanks, <Player Name>! While I can't say that this is exactly the shape I was hoping for, I guess I'll take what I can get.'s to your next effort! May it be...a bit handsomer."

Built badly

"Huh? Oh, woe is me! What did you do? What cruel joke is this? Look, I appreciate your efforts and all, but honestly... It's just that... How can I be seen in public like this?"
"Bleeeeaaargh! Nooooooo! OK, get it together. Wow. Um... Yeah... This is quite a...uhhh...unique design you used here. Still...I think maybe I would have been happy with more of a...traditional build... instead of this horror show..."
"YIKES! What in the...? Well... I must admit, never in my wildest dreams did I envision looking like this. You... How to put this? You aren't all that artistically inclined, are you?"

Built very badly

"By Old Man Winter's beard! Wha...? How in the...? You! You did this! What were you thinking? How did you manage to make this...shape? Look, it's not just me. No one could possibly look upon my form and feel anything but horror! I'd frighten children! Oh, frigid Fortune! Why do you delight in mocking me? If only my flakes had fallen in the next village over!!!"
"Oh my. Yes, indeed. So this is how it is, hmm? Now, I'm not from this area. But I'd be pretty surprised if this sort of treatment was the norm. I mean, look at me! How could something as pristine as snow be used to form such ugliness? This is... too embarrassing for words!"
"Why... Why did this have to happen to me? Why is it my fate to be born into such a hideous state? When you were making me, did you ever think: "Hmm... That's odd. I thought I was building a snowman, not a monster?""

Spoken to

"Brrr, it's freezing! What possible explanation could account for why I'm so darned cold? ...Oh...interesting. I'm made of snow. Well, then. That'll do."
"Yeah, I'm cool. Just chilling. Putting the frost out. Yeah. If I could actually move, I'd be the most popular guy here. A button nose, eyes made out of coal... Yup, I'd be a whirling blizzard of love! It's not just possible; it's likely!"
"Now... All I need to do is solve this whole issue of being stationary... Think, snowman, THINK!"
"I'm the cutest pile of snow this town's ever seen, but where's the love? No love. I'm gonna start hucking ice."
"Weird. I just realized, I can only exist as long as it's below freezing. Brutal! That's cold! And not cold in the good, essential, help-me-survive sort of way, but cold as in not cool!"
"Bored! BORED! All this standing around has me bored stiff. How am I going to get out of this rut? Oh yeah. Nothing. I can't do anything. We snow-folk have a rough lot in life."
"☃sigh☃ I wonder, will tomorrow bring sun? Will I melt and leave naught but damp earth? Will I vanish without ever having known true love? Without ever feeling my icy heart thaw? Oh, woe is snow!"
"...Ugh... There's no getting around itーI'm quite the ugly snowman. No one will even acknowledge my existence! Why, just a minute ago, someone kicked me and didn't even break stride, let alone apologize!"
"Suffering sunburns! Do I have to spend my entire life right on this spot?"
"Hold it! I just had a brilliant idea! Maybe, just maybe, if I get new eyes, I'll instantly become popular! ...Nah! Forget it! Pipe dream! I am who I am. New eyes won't solve anything at all. A new nose, though..."
"It's every snowman's lot in life to return to the snow from whence he came. Such is the wisdom of winter."
"I wonder, though... Before I melt away, will I achieve any great works? ...I'm thinking "no.""
"Yes, I know! I am abominable to look upon. Avert your gaze if you must! But know that my life has been nobly lived! Hey! Are you listening to me? Come! I know you see me! Come here! Speak with me! For the love of snow!"
"Cold... Immobile... Passing the icy days until the inevitable springtime melting... A snowman's life seems... sort of bleak sometimes..."