Page values for "Ruby"
From Nookipedia, the Animal Crossing wiki
"nh_calendar" values
2 rows are stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
date | Date | December 25, 2024 |
event | String | Ruby's birthday |
type | String | Birthday |
link | Page | Ruby |
Field | Field type | Value |
date | Date | December 25, 2025 |
event | String | Ruby's birthday |
type | String | Birthday |
link | Page | Ruby |
"nh_language_name" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
identifier | String | Ruby |
en_name | String | Ruby |
type | String | Villager |
engb_name | String | Ruby |
de_name | String | Rubina |
es_name | String | Rubí |
esl_name | String | Rubí |
fr_name | String | Rubis |
frq_name | String | Rubis |
it_name | String | Rubina |
ja_name | String | ルナ |
ko_name | String | 루나 |
nl_name | String | Ruby |
ru_name | String | Руби |
zh_name | String | 月兔 |
zht_name | String | 月兔 |
"pc_villager" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
name | String | Ruby |
name_sort | String | Ruby |
image | String | Ruby PC.png |
image_url | String | |
photo | String | Ruby's Pic PC Texture.png |
photo_url | String | |
icon | String | Ruby PC Villager Icon.png |
icon_url | String | |
birthday | String | December 25 |
birthday_sort | Integer | 1,225 |
sign | String | Capricorn |
gender | String | Female |
personality | String | Peppy |
catchphrase | String | li'l ears |
catchphrase_note | String | |
catchphrase2 | String | |
catchphrase2_note | String | |
catchphrase3 | String | |
catchphrase3_note | String | |
quote | String | You can always take the red-eye. |
species | String | Rabbit |
clothing | String | bunny tee |
theme | String | Cute |
material | String | Wood |
description | Text | She's obsessed with the dark side of the moon. "Why's it so dark anyway?" she asks. "What have they got to hide up there?" |
friendshipLevel | Integer | |
blathers | Boolean | Yes |
island | String | Huck and Pals' Island |
furniture1 | String | |
furniture2 | String | |
furniture3 | String | |
furniture4 | String | |
furniture5 | String | |
friendReward1 | String | bunny tee |
friendReward3 | String | moon |
friendRewardLvl1 | Integer | 7 |
friendRewardLvl2 | Integer | 9 |
friendRewardLvl3 | Integer | 15 |
version_added | String | 3.3.1b |
date_unlocked | Date | August 23, 2020 |
"nh_villager" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
url | String | |
name | String | Ruby |
name_sort | String | Ruby |
image | String | Ruby NH.png |
image_url | String | |
photo | String | Ruby's Photo NH Texture.png |
photo_url | String | |
icon | String | Ruby NH Villager Icon.png |
icon_url | String | |
quote | String | You can always take the red-eye. |
species | String | Rabbit |
gender | String | Female |
personality | String | Peppy |
sub_personality | String | B |
birthday | String | December 25 |
birthday_sort | Integer | 1,225 |
sign | String | Capricorn |
catchphrase | String | li'l ears |
clothing | String | rabbit tee |
clothing_variation | String | |
umbrella | String | lemon umbrella |
bag | String | Paper |
popsicle | String | Ramune-soda |
food | String | Lollipop |
drink | String | Soda can |
book | String | Gardening/Bug/Fish/Fossil |
default_phone | String | Yellow |
final_phone | String | Checkered 1 - Fabric 8 |
new | Boolean | No |
fav_style1 | String | Cute |
fav_style2 | String | Active |
fav_color1 | String | Aqua |
fav_color2 | String | Pink |
hobby | String | Nature |
life_points | String | Low |
hobby_points | String | High |
wave_type | String | High |
version_added | String | 1.0.0 |
"ww_villager" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
name | String | Ruby |
name_sort | String | Ruby |
ja_name | String | |
fr_name | String | |
de_name | String | |
it_name | String | |
es_name | String | |
ko_name | String | |
pic | String | Ruby's Pic WW Texture.png |
pic_url | String | |
birthday | String | December 25 |
birthday_sort | Integer | 1,225 |
sign | String | Capricorn |
catchphrase | String | li'l ears |
ja_phrase | String | |
fr_phrase | String | |
de_phrase | String | |
it_phrase | String | |
es_phrase | String | |
ko_phrase | String | |
quote | String | I'm not sick, I'm just albino! |
starter | Boolean | Yes |
clothing | String | bunny shirt |
umbrella | String | leaf umbrella |
default_hobby | String | Collect furniture |
favstyle | String | Cute |
leastfavstyle | String | Severe |
color1 | String | Pink |
color2 | String | White |
color3 | String | Blue |
color4 | String | |
genre1 | String | |
genre2 | String | |
series1 | String | Lovely Series |
series2 | String | Regal Series |
series3 | String | |
category1 | String | Houseplant |
category2 | String |
"villager" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
url | String | |
name | String | Ruby |
name_sort | String | Ruby |
no_localization | Boolean | No |
alt_name | String | |
title_color | String | ffffff |
text_color | String | 848484 |
id | String | rbt09 |
image | String | Ruby NH.png |
image_url | String | |
species | String | Rabbit |
personality | String | Peppy |
personality_note | String | |
prev_personality | String | |
prev_personality_note | String | |
gender | String | Female |
birthday | String | December 25 |
birthday_month | String | December |
birthday_day | Integer | 25 |
birthday_sort | Integer | 1,225 |
sign | String | Capricorn |
sign_sort | Integer | 10 |
prev_sign | String | |
prev_sign_sort | Integer | |
quote | String | You can always take the red-eye. |
phrase | String | li'l ears |
prev_phrase | String | |
prev_phrase2 | String | |
clothing | String | rabbit tee |
clothing_nh_var | String | |
umbrella | String | lemon umbrella |
islander | Boolean | No |
debut | String | ACWW |
dnm | Boolean | No |
ac | Boolean | No |
e_plus | Boolean | No |
ww | Boolean | Yes |
cf | Boolean | Yes |
nl | Boolean | Yes |
wa | Boolean | Yes |
nh | Boolean | Yes |
film | Boolean | No |
hhd | Boolean | Yes |
pc | Boolean | Yes |
engb_name | String | |
de_name | String | Rubina |
es_name | String | Rubí |
esl_name | String | Rubí |
fr_name | String | Rubis |
frq_name | String | Rubis |
it_name | String | Rubina |
ja_name | String | ルナ |
ja_name_r | String | Runa |
ko_name | String | 루나 |
ko_name_r | String | Luna |
nl_name | String | Ruby |
ru_name | String | Руби |
ru_name_r | String | Rubi |
zh_name | String | 月兔 |
zh_name_r | String | Yuè tù |
zht_name | String | 月兔 |
zht_name_r | String | Yuè tù |
"nl_villager" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
name | String | Ruby |
name_sort | String | Ruby |
image | String | Ruby NL.png |
image_url | String | |
image_nlwa | String | Ruby NLWa.png |
image_nlwa_url | String | |
pic | String | Ruby's Pic NL Texture.png |
pic_url | String | |
icon | String | Ruby NL Villager Icon.png |
icon_url | String | |
model | String | Ruby NL Model.png |
model_url | String | |
quote | String | You can always take the red-eye. |
species | String | Rabbit |
gender | String | Female |
personality | String | Peppy |
birthday | String | December 25 |
birthday_sort | Integer | 1,225 |
sign | String | Capricorn |
catchphrase | String | li'l ears |
catchphrase_note | String | |
catchphrase2 | String | |
catchphrase2_note | String | |
clothing | String | bunny tee |
umbrella | String | leaf umbrella |
new | Boolean | No |
siblings | String | Only child |
favstyle | String | Modern |
leastfavstyle | String | Rock 'n' roll |
favcolor | String | Yellow |
skill | String | Doing handstands |
goal | String | Photographer |
fear | String | monster mask |
coffeetype | String | Blue Mountain |
milk | String | Lots |
sugar | String | Three spoonfuls |
version_added | String | 1.0 |
"ww_house" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
villager | String | Ruby |
interior_image | String | House of Ruby WW.png |
interior_image_url | String | |
exterior | String | 20 |
wallpaper | String | Lunar Horizon |
wallpaper_image | String | Lunar Horizon_WW.png |
wallpaper_image_url | String | |
flooring | String | Lunar Surface |
flooring_image | String | Lunar Surface_WW.png |
flooring_image_url | String | |
music | String | K.K. Ska |
music_note | String | Does not contain a stereo initially |
items | Text | [ {"name": "Tall Quazoid", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Mochi Pestle", "count": 3, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Slim Quazoid", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Lovely Loveseat", "count": 2, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Moon", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Claw-Foot Tub", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""} ] |
notes | Wikitext string |
"nh_house" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
villager | String | Ruby |
name_sort | String | Ruby |
interior_image | String | House of Ruby NH.jpg |
interior_image_url | String | |
exterior_image | String | House of Ruby NH Model.png |
exterior_image_url | String | |
wallpaper | String | Starry-Sky Wall |
wallpaper_image | String | Starry-Sky Wall_NH_Icon.png |
wallpaper_image_url | String | |
flooring | String | Lunar Surface |
flooring_image | String | Lunar Surface_NH_Icon.png |
flooring_image_url | String | |
music | String | Stale Cupcakes |
music_note | String | Does not contain a stereo initially |
music_image | String | Stale Cupcakes_NH_Texture.png |
music_image_url | String | |
house_shape | Integer | 2 |
house_shape_image | String | Villager_House_2_NH_Icon.png |
house_shape_url | String | |
house_roof | String | light-gray thatch roof |
house_roof_image | String | light-gray thatch roof_(Villager_House_2)_NH_Icon.png |
house_roof_url | String | |
house_siding | String | white cobblestones |
house_siding_image | String | white cobblestones_(Villager_House_2)_NH_Icon.png |
house_siding_url | String | |
house_door | String | pink simple door |
house_door_image | String | pink simple door_(Round)_NH_Icon.png |
house_door_url | String | |
items | Text | [ {"name": "Asteroid", "count": 2, "image_url": "", "link": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Astronaut Suit", "count": 2, "image_url": "", "link": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Crewed Spaceship", "count": 1, "image_url": "", "link": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Moon", "count": 1, "image_url": "", "link": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Lunar Rover", "count": 1, "image_url": "", "link": "", "note": ""} ] |
notes | Wikitext string |
"cf_villager" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
name | String | Ruby |
name_sort | String | Ruby |
birthday | String | December 25 |
birthday_sort | Integer | 1,225 |
sign | String | Capricorn |
catchphrase | String | li'l ears |
clothing | String | bunny shirt |
umbrella | String | leaf umbrella |
favstyle | String | Cute |
leastfavstyle | String | Refined |
favfurnstyle1 | String | Playful |
favfurnstyle2 | String | Retro |
favcolor | String | Yellow |
favseries | String | Lovely |
"amiibo_card" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
name | String | Ruby |
number | String | 170 |
series | String | Series 2 |
bundle | String | |
bundle_wikitext | Wikitext string | |
image_front | String | 170 Ruby amiibo card NA.png |
image_front_url | String | |
type | String | Rabbit |
dice | Integer | 6 |
hand | String | Rock |
birthday | String | December 25 |
sign | String | Capricorn |
items | Text |
"nl_house" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
villager | String | Ruby |
name_sort | String | Ruby |
interior_image | String | House of Ruby NL.png |
interior_image_url | String | |
exterior_image | String | House of Ruby NL Exterior.png |
exterior_image_url | String | |
wallpaper | String | Lunar Horizon |
wallpaper_image | String | Lunar Horizon_NL_Model.png |
wallpaper_image_url | String | |
flooring | String | Lunar Surface |
flooring_image | String | Lunar Surface_NL_Model.png |
flooring_image_url | String | |
music | String | K.K. Ska |
music_note | String | Does not contain a stereo initially |
items | Text | [ {"name": "Moon", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Lunar Lander", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Rocket", "count": 1, "img": "Rocket (Item) NL Model.png", "note": ""}, {"name": "Satellite", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Lunar Rover", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Slim Quazoid", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Tall Quazoid", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Asteroid", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Spaceman Sam", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""} ] |
notes | Wikitext string |
"hhd_villager" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
name | String | Ruby |
name_sort | String | Ruby |
name_note | String | |
image | String | Ruby HHD Villager Icon.png |
special_character | Boolean | No |
thought | String | I want to look up and gaze at the moon all day and all night. |
thought_wikitext | Wikitext string | I want to look up and gaze at the moon all day and all night. |
thought_note | String | |
request | String | A room for moon gazing. |
item1 | String | telescope |
item2 | String | moon |
item3 | String | |
song | String | Space K.K. |
quote | String | You can always take the red-eye. |
housemates | List of String, delimiter: , |
"cf_house" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
villager | String | Ruby |
interior_image | String | House of Ruby CF.png |
interior_image_url | String | |
wallpaper | String | Lunar Horizon |
wallpaper_image | String | Lunar Horizon_CF_Model.png |
wallpaper_image_url | String | |
flooring | String | Lunar Surface |
flooring_image | String | Lunar Surface_CF_Model.png |
flooring_image_url | String | |
music | String | K.K. Ska |
music_note | String | Does not contain a stereo initially |
items | Text | [ {"name": "Tall Quazoid", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Mochi Pestle", "count": 3, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Slim Quazoid", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Lovely Loveseat", "count": 2, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Moon", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""}, {"name": "Claw-Foot Tub", "count": 1, "img": "", "note": ""} ] |
notes | Wikitext string |
"hhp_villager" values
1 row is stored for this pageField | Field type | Value |
name | String | Ruby |
name_sort | String | Ruby |
icon | String | Ruby NH Villager Icon.png |
icon_url | String | |
special_character | Boolean | No |
facility | Boolean | No |
thought | String | I want to admire the beautiful night sky and moon... |
thought_wikitext | Wikitext string | I want to admire the beautiful night sky and moon... |
request | String | A Place to Admire the Moon |
item1 | String | Telescope |
item2 | String | Moon |
item3 | String | Lunar Rover |
song | String | Space K.K. |
unlocked_items | Text | [ {"name": "Crescent-Moon Chair", "img": "Crescent-Moon Chair_(Yellow)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Crescent-Moon Chair (New Horizons)|Crescent-Moon Chair]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Bamboo Bench", "img": "Bamboo Bench_(Green Bamboo)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bamboo Bench (New Horizons)|Bamboo Bench]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Moroccan Tray Table", "img": "Moroccan Tray Table_(Ash Brown)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Moroccan Tray Table (New Horizons)|Moroccan Tray Table]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Cancer Table", "img": "Cancer Table_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Cancer Table (New Horizons)|Cancer Table]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Frozen Bed", "img": "Frozen Bed_(Ice - Brown)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Frozen Bed (New Horizons)|Frozen Bed]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Throwback Rocket", "img": "Throwback Rocket_(Silver)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Throwback Rocket (New Horizons)|Throwback Rocket]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Bamboo Bench", "img": "Bamboo Bench_(Green Bamboo)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bamboo Bench (New Horizons)|Bamboo Bench]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Frozen Pillar", "img": "Frozen Pillar_(Ice)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Frozen Pillar (New Horizons)|Frozen Pillar]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Bamboo Floor Lamp", "img": "Bamboo Floor Lamp_(Green Bamboo)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bamboo Floor Lamp (New Horizons)|Bamboo Floor Lamp]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Bamboo Speaker", "img": "Bamboo Speaker_(Green Bamboo)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bamboo Speaker (New Horizons)|Bamboo Speaker]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Lunar Lander", "img": "Lunar Lander_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Lunar Lander (New Horizons)|Lunar Lander]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Lunar Rover", "img": "Lunar Rover_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Lunar Rover (New Horizons)|Lunar Rover]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Moon", "img": "Moon_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Moon (New Horizons)|Moon]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Telescope", "img": "Telescope_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Telescope (New Horizons)|Telescope]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Bamboo Doll", "img": "Bamboo Doll_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bamboo Doll (New Horizons)|Bamboo Doll]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Capricorn Ornament", "img": "Capricorn Ornament_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Capricorn Ornament (New Horizons)|Capricorn Ornament]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Mochi Pestle", "img": "Mochi Pestle_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Mochi Pestle (New Horizons)|Mochi Pestle]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Illuminated Snowflakes", "img": "Illuminated Snowflakes_(White)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Illuminated Snowflakes (New Horizons)|Illuminated Snowflakes]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Three-Tiered Snowperson", "img": "Three-Tiered Snowperson_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Three-Tiered Snowperson (New Horizons)|Three-Tiered Snowperson]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Nova Light", "img": "Nova Light_(Yellow)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Nova Light (New Horizons)|Nova Light]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Bamboo Candleholder", "img": "Bamboo Candleholder_(Green Bamboo)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bamboo Candleholder (New Horizons)|Bamboo Candleholder]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Star Clock", "img": "Star Clock_(Yellow)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Star Clock (New Horizons)|Star Clock]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Globe", "img": "Globe_(Standard)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Globe (New Horizons)|Globe]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Bunny Garden Decoration", "img": "Bunny Garden Decoration_(White)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bunny Garden Decoration (New Horizons)|Bunny Garden Decoration]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Golden Garden Bunny", "img": "Golden Garden Bunny_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Golden Garden Bunny (New Horizons)|Golden Garden Bunny]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Dreamy Rabbit Toy", "img": "Dreamy Rabbit Toy_(Blue)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Dreamy Rabbit Toy (New Horizons)|Dreamy Rabbit Toy]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Ruby's Photo", "img": "Ruby's Photo_(Natural Wood)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Ruby's Photo (New Horizons)|Ruby's Photo]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Starry Garland", "img": "Starry Garland_(Yellow)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Starry Garland (New Horizons)|Starry Garland]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Snowflake Wreath", "img": "Snowflake Wreath_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Snowflake Wreath (New Horizons)|Snowflake Wreath]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Ruby's Poster", "img": "Ruby's Poster_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Ruby's Poster (New Horizons)|Ruby's Poster]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "furniture" }, {"name": "Snowflake Wall", "img": "Snowflake Wall_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Snowflake Wall (New Horizons)|Snowflake Wall]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "interior" }, {"name": "Pink Simple-Cloth Wall", "img": "Pink Simple-Cloth Wall_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Pink Simple-Cloth Wall (New Horizons)|Pink Simple-Cloth Wall]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "interior" }, {"name": "Bamboo-Grove Wall", "img": "Bamboo-Grove Wall_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bamboo-Grove Wall (New Horizons)|Bamboo-Grove Wall]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "interior" }, {"name": "Starry-Sky Wall", "img": "Starry-Sky Wall_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Starry-Sky Wall (New Horizons)|Starry-Sky Wall]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "interior" }, {"name": "Slate Flooring", "img": "Slate Flooring_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Slate Flooring (New Horizons)|Slate Flooring]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "interior" }, {"name": "Lunar Surface", "img": "Lunar Surface_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Lunar Surface (New Horizons)|Lunar Surface]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "interior" }, {"name": "Ski-Slope Flooring", "img": "Ski-Slope Flooring_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Ski-Slope Flooring (New Horizons)|Ski-Slope Flooring]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "interior" }, {"name": "Cloud Flooring", "img": "Cloud Flooring_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Cloud Flooring (New Horizons)|Cloud Flooring]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "interior" }, {"name": "Snowflake Rug", "img": "Snowflake Rug_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Snowflake Rug (New Horizons)|Snowflake Rug]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "interior" }, {"name": "Earth Rug", "img": "Earth Rug_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Earth Rug (New Horizons)|Earth Rug]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "interior" }, {"name": "Fluffy Rug", "img": "Fluffy Rug_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Fluffy Rug (New Horizons)|Fluffy Rug]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "interior" }, {"name": "Yellow Star Rug", "img": "Yellow Star Rug_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Yellow Star Rug (New Horizons)|Yellow Star Rug]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "interior" }, {"name": "Rabbit Tee", "img": "Rabbit Tee_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Rabbit Tee (New Horizons)|Rabbit Tee]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Bunny Dress", "img": "Bunny Dress_(White)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bunny Dress (New Horizons)|Bunny Dress]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Bunny Dress", "img": "Bunny Dress_(Pink)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bunny Dress (New Horizons)|Bunny Dress]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Bunny Dress", "img": "Bunny Dress_(Yellow)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bunny Dress (New Horizons)|Bunny Dress]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Junihitoe Kimono", "img": "Junihitoe Kimono_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Junihitoe Kimono (New Horizons)|Junihitoe Kimono]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Star Hairpin", "img": "Star Hairpin_(Black)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Star Hairpin (New Horizons)|Star Hairpin]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Star Hairpin", "img": "Star Hairpin_(Pink)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Star Hairpin (New Horizons)|Star Hairpin]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Star Hairpin", "img": "Star Hairpin_(Yellow)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Star Hairpin (New Horizons)|Star Hairpin]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Star Hairpin", "img": "Star Hairpin_(Mint)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Star Hairpin (New Horizons)|Star Hairpin]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Star Hairpin", "img": "Star Hairpin_(Purple)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Star Hairpin (New Horizons)|Star Hairpin]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Bunny Hood", "img": "Bunny Hood_(White)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bunny Hood (New Horizons)|Bunny Hood]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Bunny Hood", "img": "Bunny Hood_(Pink)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bunny Hood (New Horizons)|Bunny Hood]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Bunny Hood", "img": "Bunny Hood_(Yellow)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bunny Hood (New Horizons)|Bunny Hood]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Star Head", "img": "Star Head_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Star Head (New Horizons)|Star Head]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Bunny Nose", "img": "Bunny Nose_(White)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bunny Nose (New Horizons)|Bunny Nose]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Bunny Nose", "img": "Bunny Nose_(Pink)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bunny Nose (New Horizons)|Bunny Nose]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Bunny Nose", "img": "Bunny Nose_(Yellow)_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Bunny Nose (New Horizons)|Bunny Nose]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "clothing" }, {"name": "Yellow Balloon", "img": "Yellow Balloon_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Yellow Balloon (New Horizons)|Yellow Balloon]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "item" }, {"name": "Space K.K.", "img": "Space K.K._NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Space K.K.]]", "type": "item" }, {"name": "Aries Fragment", "img": "Aries Fragment_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Aries Fragment (New Horizons)|Aries Fragment]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "item" }, {"name": "Capricorn Fragment", "img": "Capricorn Fragment_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Capricorn Fragment (New Horizons)|Capricorn Fragment]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "item" }, {"name": "Large Star Fragment", "img": "Large Star Fragment_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Large Star Fragment (New Horizons)|Large Star Fragment]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "item" }, {"name": "Star Fragment", "img": "Star Fragment_NH_Icon.png", "link": "[[Item:Star Fragment (New Horizons)|Star Fragment]][[Category:Pages with item names improperly capitalized]]", "type": "item" } ] |
housemates | List of String, delimiter: , |